you said that you loved me.


Posted on: Wednesday, July 27 @ 10:50 PM



Man is it just me, or is everyone in a relationship now. o.O i mean whoa. did something happen to everyone's hormones or something. it's like BAYM!

anyways. on the other hand. performance tonight.
and people arksed me how it went and i kinda just copied and pasted what i said to various people. xDD kekekeke. hope no one noticed. it went like

||"I screwed up a bit. I said 'shit' at the beginning of the performance. apparently everyone heard it.. i swear i didnt swear that loud. xDD other than that, twas a pretty good perfomanceee. xDD"||

yerrr. xDD and yeah it did happen. whoops.

nywayssss. hmm I've sent my ipod on vacation, for its hard work it has been serving me for the past 3495163495 years. ilovemyipod. now i feel empty.

OHHH i got an alesana shirt. it's sick ASSSS. xDD i love it. it looks so hot. i swear if i saw anyone where it, i'd jump their bones straight away. even if they were ugly.

i kid.

mann. i miss nom. makes me want to go to melbourne everyday. i wish i could physically be with her.
she's so cuteeee. zomg. i swear. any sexual feeling towards her would feel like peadophilia. lol.

So, I'd also like to know who's on what phone company. xDD cos if you're optus. I CAN TEXT YOU FOR FWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. loveme. xDD

other than that. my life has been the norm.. still no drum kit.

poop. dunno what to do with my life still. OH one thing. i'd like to work at maccas.

so i'ma apply soon. xDD and see how it goes. xDD other than that, i'm done.

I shall go.




Posted on: Monday, July 25 @ 6:24 PM



You've grown up. wow. it's so scary. You're now going out with someone. The little person I knew is now going out with a big guy. xDD cute.

Why do i feel so sad? Still on mission. that's all.

I shall go.



It's a special thing.

Posted on: Friday, July 22 @ 9:19 PM



Grawrrrrrr. I like you. xDD

You make me so happy. Cos even when i have the pooest day at school, and even after tutor. i come home. hope on skype or msn. and you're there (hopefully) and then we talk and i forget about crap that has happened in the past.

You make me smile. I cant stop everytime i see your face. You're so cuteeeee. ZOMG. i feel so pedoooo.

YOU'RE SAH CUTE! You make me feel so ugly. T^T im like looks at you. looks at mirror. D: I'm sahh ugllyyyy. Man I must have been some awesome charity worker in my previous life to deserve you. xDD

You're so innocent. MAYN. like flop out my awesome jokes, and you're like ermm what? i dont get it. xDD hahahaha. xDD sahh cuteeeee. but after a good 6 months of me, mannnnnn. xDD keke.

You make me work hard and study. When we're working at the same time, and you make muppet face. xDD and then when i slack off, you slap me.. T^T or the screen/mic. xDDDD

Dannnnggg. T^T i wish i wasnt capped. T^T then i could talk to you.

Mann i really cant wait to see you again. xDD it's going to be awesome. Come to brisbane soon, so i can introduce you to my friends. xDD

So now we're facebook official. lol. i miss holding you hand. it's been so long, i've forgotten how it feels. That's depressing. but until then ... xDD

I shall go.




Posted on: Tuesday, July 19 @ 11:37 PM



For Devina.
mmkay. Gj tuan. anywaysasssss.

So i was talking to this girl. and she's quite a nice girl. you know. both inside and out. and we were tlaking and she's like ( you might be able to guess who she is by how she speaks)" Manly Man, why are you hiding?" i'm like im' not hiding.
and after a hiolw of that i tell her why i'm hiding.. wtpoo i 'm not even hiding lol.
but yeah toldher i'm scared of what people tihnk of me, cos bad experiences. and she

and the end goesa like this.

SHE says (11:26 PM):
*hahahaha. Do I seem grade 8ish?
AD. says (11:27 PM):
*it feels like you're in grade 10
*because my friend selina is in grade 9 and im like
*maybe megawoman would be in grade nine
*but probs not
*that's pushing it
*she's not that young
SHE says (11:27 PM):
*haha megawoman
*=.= you called me old
*haha well some things happen when your little that force you to mature alot faster

and im like that's so true. but it's always like that. The ones who seem to always have a smile on their faces have something behind that smile.

hmm. i want to rant. but benchface reads this. ssigh.

hmm. i was fine with everything, then poop happened. idunno. sigh. it's like it started all over again. xDD but although it does affect me. i'm not going to let it affect me as much as it wants to. because in the end, i have a beautiful girlfriend i come home to and she means so much more to me. xDD she brings me happiness. her voice is so soothing i can sleep to it. xDD

yerr. mmkay well this post was actually from last last night. yer. alrighty.

I shall go.

