you said that you loved me.

Posted on: Friday, June 17 @ 1:30 AM



Activate killing spree.

I shall go.




Posted on: Thursday, June 16 @ 12:04 AM



man. guess i really am back into this. xDD practed sax today. xDD

Chaning subjects is hard. <,< getting teacher's sigs and stuff. <,,<

well. Seems to me that i cant get danielle out of my mind. andd it's more like. not like love way. <,< but like talking way.

and yeah. she said that she'd talk to me.. all she said was what i said.. and yeah.
isnt a talk like Dialogue? 2 people talking? it was more like a monologue. just her. lol. xDD but yeah.

Good luck on your English and Science exam tomorrow, pup.
Into Kina Grannis, D-Pryde atm. not into, probs just cos they're the latest things i have in my ipod.

a lot happened today. still no one to talk to.
ZOMG. made me think today. Formal is next year.. cos people in my tutor werelik zomg formal is this friday and stuff.

so im like, hmm. who would take me to formal. lol or maybe just go as a group of friends. T^T I hope i have a girl to take. xDD Then we can take photos and look good.

I want ot be at Monica's formal. It's in like febuary. T^T i dunno if i'll be in uni by then. T^T

well. i dunno what to talk about. lol. I wonder who can hack my account. o.O this is scary. i can verbally tell you it, but i doubt you'd get it the first time itell you. xDD is this a challenge? lol no.

xDD see you round

I shall go.




Posted on: Tuesday, June 14 @ 11:50 PM



The Basics:

Name: Adrian Man
Age: 15
School: MacGregor State High School
Nationality: Chinese Malaysian what not along the way.
Hobbies: Music. Drums. Singing. I dont really have time for hobbies.

Love Life: Taken?
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes.
Do you like someone?: Love. xDD
Does anyone like you?: Probs.
Have you ever kissed anyone?: Mhmm.
Hugged anyone in the past week?: I hug a lot of people. People rarely hug me.

Who is your best friend?: I have a few. They all mean a lot to me.
Where did you meet them?: Family. Through school or family.
Did you lose any friends this year?: I guess you could say so. Unless we become friends again. :D
Gain any?: Yeah.
Meet a special friend?: hehe. yeah. xDD
Did you hang out with any friends in the past week?: mmhm. after blox.

New Years Eve
Did you do anything at midnight?: Watch the fireworks on TV
Who did you spend it with?: Myself. But i creamed it out so mum and dad would wake up.
Did you have any resolutions?: ermm get good grades.

Valentines Day
Did you have a Valentine?: You could say so. no.
Did you send out any cards/chocolates/etc?: no,
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend on this day?: Kinda yes no. Yes.

Summer (last year)
Did you go on vacation?: Summer ermm Oh went to melbourne.
.Did you hang out on the beach with friends?: No actually.
How long was your summer break?: Pretty good. It flooded in Brisbane..
Did you get a tan?: Hope not.
Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend during the summer?: No actually.

Did you go trick or treating?: Wasnt allowed. wanted.
If so, who did you go with?: didnt go.
Did you dress up?: Yes. Bad Hair day. Went CC with Gab
Was it fun?: Pretty. Played at funhouse.

Who did you spend it with?: family.
Did Santa come to your house?: HELZ YERR.
Did you stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve? uhmm... no.

Your Birthday
Who did you spend it with?: I was not.. on off with Danielle. so me? and her?
What did you do?: She bought me massive amount of Nerf guns.
What did you get?: .. oops.
When is it?: 5th Of August.

Have You Ever: YES. lol. <,,<
Kissed someone: Yes.
Hugged someone: Yes.
Electricuted yourself: LOL YEAH.
Climbed more than 60 feet: WHOA.i dont think so.
Made a Youtube video: Yeah.
Lied to a loved one: .. yesh.
Had a nosebleed: ALL THE TIME!
Gotten airsick: No. I dont handle the pressure change well. i get nose bleeds.
Been so bored, you just ate food: YEP
Not brushed your teeth for a day: lol.. yerrr.
Not showered for a day: yeahh lol
Drank alchohol: Yep.
Smoked: Yep.
Tried drugs: NOPE. but been curious.
Had a pet: Samboy just died..
Ran a marathon: Yep. almost died.

5 Do’s
1. Do you play any instruments?: Piano, Baritone saxophone, alto saxophone, and kinda drums.
2. Do you play any sports?: used to play tennis
3. Do you believe in 2012?:o.O oh right dying and shiz? no.
4. Do you like cheese?: LOVE IT
5. Do you honestly like Obama?: Yes. I think he's as good man

4 If’s
1. If you get $1 Million for breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, would you?: could we get back together and keep the money? xDD if not then, no.
2. If you were to get $50,000 for killing a rat, would you?: YES! FK ID KILL ALL THE RATS I COULD FIND!
3. If you were to choose between your best friend and your brother/sister, who would you choose?: I cant.
4. If you were to choose between coke/pepsi or sprite/7up, which would you choose?:Coke

3 How’s
1. How old do you want to be when you get married?: 25 ish? maybe more? about there.
2. How many siblings do you have?: 1
3. How did your last Christmas go? Pretty good. got a PS3 and a new TV

2 When’s
1. When did you have your first kiss?: .. when i was like .. 13. oh god. T^T it was stolen. GOD NO. shit man. saving it for like my beautiful woman. get's stolen.
2. When did you last have a piece of cake?: T^T LONG TIME AGO.

1 What
1. What would you say if the guy/girl you like right now kissed you?: iloveyou.


1. Last beverage: WATER.
2. Last phone call: My mummeh.
3. Last text message: Optus rechargeeeee.
4. Last song you listened to: The Final - Dir en Grey.
5. Last time you cried: When I read a doc? letter thing, danielle gave to me after we broke up. it ws ages ago, but i only jsut read it a few nights ago.
6. Dated someone twice: 6 times count?
7. Been cheated on: YEPS. it doesnt feel nice.
8. Kissed someone & regretted it: YES.
9. Lost someone special: A FEW.
10. Been depressed: ALWAYS
11. Been drunk and threw up: YEP. looked like orange juice. that's why i dont like oj and also i dont like orange.

12. Neon Green.
13. (a shade?) Black
14. Pink

15. Made a new friend: Yeah.
16. Fallen out of love: This year. love? no.
17. Laughed until you cried: Yeah.
18. Met someone who changed you: YEP
19. Found out who your true friends were: I still dont understand that.
20. Found out someone was talking about you: talking good or bad? cos both?
21. Kissed anyone on your friend's list: Yes.
22. How many people on your friends list do you know in real life: Most?
23. How many kids do you want: 3.
24. Do you have any pets: yea... actually. i dont know.
25. Do you want to change your name: Now? no. wanted once.
26. What did you do for your last birthday: I ate cake and thanked Danielle for getting me presents.
27. What time did you wake up today: 6 ish am.
28. What were you doing at midnight last night: Trying to sleep, but i couldnt.
29. Name something you CANNOT wait for: Going to melbourne.
30. Last time you saw your Mother: a few hours ago.
31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life: MY personality.
32. What are you listening to right now: Dir en Grey.
33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: Yeah.
34. Who's getting on your nerves right now: The coldness of the night.
35. Most visited webpage: Facebook/tumblr
36. Whats your real name : AD.isAMAN
37. Nickname/s: AD
38. Relationship Status: Taken
39. Zodiac sign: LEO THE LION RAWR
40. Male or female: Male
41. Primary School: MacG Pri
42. Secondary School: MacG high
43. High school/college: MacG High
44. Hair color: atm? Light brown
45. Long or short : one side is short, one side is short.
46. Height: 163 - 170cm
47. Do you have a crush on someone: Crush? On lewis.
48: What do you like about yourself: hmm. My Lips? lol VAIN.
49. Piercing: No. I Really want some. gonna rebel it and get them after my 16th
50. Tattoos: I WANT ONE. i'ma rebel one after my 18th
51. Righty or lefty: Righteo.


52. First surgery: omg. birth?
53. First piercing: dont have one yet
54. First best friend: Adrian Siah.
55. First sport you joined: Tennis?
56. First vacation: MALAYSIA
58. First pair of trainers: idunno. My forces were my first kicks.


59. Eating: nien.
60. Drinking: nein.
61. I'm about to: post this?
62. Listening to: Dir En Grey.. so many timesss.
63. Waiting for: Time.


64. Want kids: Yeah
65. Get married: YES
66. Career: I want to Become a CEO of a Big Bank Company. like HSBC or MacQuarie


67. Lips or eyes: ermm. ZOMG. cant. ermm. Eyes.
68. Hugs or kisses: ZOMG. <,,< Hugssssss.
69. Shorter or taller: better? zomg. both have benefits.
70. Older or Younger: SAME
71. Romantic or spontaneous: oh in a person... BOTH YERR
72. Nice stomach or nice arms: Both?
73. Sensitive or loud: In between. knows when to be
74. Hook-up or relationship: relationship.


76. Kissed a stranger: no.
77. Drank hard liquor: .. yeah. Bacardi 151. holy shit that shit makes to .. shit.
78. Lost glasses/contacts: almost lost my glasses
79. Sex on first date: almost and no it's not right so dont do it.
80. Broken someone's heart: Yeah. I'm sorry.
82. Been arrested: NO
83. Turned someone down: Yeah... i dont rememebr how it went.. but she does.
84. Cried when someone died:Yeah.
85. Fallen for a friend: Oh too many times


86. Yourself : Rarely
87. Miracles: Not really
88. Love at first sight: Kinda happened to i cant not
89. Heaven: no
90. Santa Claus: no
91. Kiss on the first date: not really. wait i did.
92. Angels: i am one.


94. Had more than 1 girlfriend/boyfriend at a time: No.
95. Did you sing today: Yea.
96. Ever cheated on somebody: Yes.
97. If you could go back in time, how far would you go: To when i could sleep in class. because it was paryt of class.
98. The moment you would choose to relive: The 3 days i spent with Monica.
99. Are you afraid of falling in love: I was.
100. Are you afraid of posting this as 100 truths: not really? what's to hide?

I shall go.



Dera okonakaka.

@ 10:57 PM



My reed was $5.95. Alto reed. that expensive? <,,< It was made in France. xDD yay. Welp. Nom is currently hacing her exams so I dont really have anyone to talk to. o.O tuan talk to me on msn. lol xDD Feels kinda lonely. but sokay. xDD Facebook. Yerr. Neeways. D-Pryde. Whoa. Why do all rappers have such a sad backstory? o.O

LOL. I was talking to Saabstar and Gab whilst eating kfc after danceon sunday. and i was like " i re read my blog. man, the boy i was back then." they're like .. you're still that boy. havent changed.


lol. xDD Sokay. My toes are cold. SOOO. CHEM TOMORROW. Zomg. Im pretty sure i failed. and no seriously. oh maths C too. I skipped 10 questions.. there were 21 Q. yeah. I'm stupid. >:

Yeah. Man. I should really give up with this emo shit.

poo. Currently composing a song. The draft name is "Stripes upon a Yellow collar."
So if I refer to it, you'll know what it is. xDD

Anyways. So I finally read what was put on my harddrive a while ago. Folder ccalled ADrenaline. lol remember when i used to use that name. xDD yeah. hmm. made me tear. lol. sad memories. like how Samboy died. 13 years he lived. Died on the 1st of June. Pretty good at hiding it hey. Yeah. oh gawd. T^T

fark. I miss him really badly. He helped me through those rough times. We'd talk about school, life, girls.


Yeah. Mmkay.

Right. Regard to Danielle.
hmm how do i put this...


More I'd say. But due time my friend and rather in person. What is with people and talking on the internet about personal stuff. wait blog. <,,< fail.


I shall go.



wow. back into this?

Posted on: Saturday, June 11 @ 9:39 PM


seems to get into things and then leave em. wow. sounds so sad.

anyways. i'm more into tumblr. cos nom made me get into it. o.O somehow. yerr. so yeah. Benchface isnt really helping my mood today.

sigh. feeling emo again. what is this seriosuly. oh well. Have a good read adrian. xDD yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. i read my own blog to recall my feelings on that day. re experience it. lol ahahahaha. seriously dont konw what to do with you. .. should i be nice to you? i guess i should. even though it hurst me, i should. MMKAY
i'ma stop being mean and try my bestest to be nice to everyone. even her. yeah. i know big commitment. xDD yeah. mmkay. wee. good luck. I LOVE YOU ALL. My friends are precious.

I shall go.




Posted on: Wednesday, June 8 @ 6:56 PM



So this blog is slowly dying. I'm tumbling more. xDD Nom likes that term. Tumbling. yer. Tumblr. hmm. i rant there because i talk about her.

oh what the hell.

from my tumblr.

Why do I hate you so much? Why did you have to do this to me? Shut up if you think I’m just ranting about stupid poo things. Just go to a different post.

Here. We both know we didn’t want to end this way. But why do you have to make it so difficult to live in the same world as you.

Look. Yes. I know. 6 breakups. Why. Because either one of us couldn’t keep it together or both of us didn’t try. But when one of us couldn’t take it anymore the other was able to convince the other to stay. Now that it’s over. Gah. I don’t understand.

Okay after the 5th stuff happened, but what was crap, I couldn’t stop thinking about you. ‘oh poo she liked that. She uses to. She always wanted. I always wanted to do this with her.’ yeah. I went out with one of your best friends. Thank buddha you didn’t know. We didn’t last long. Because she wasnt ready for a relationship. And frankly, I was still hungover you.

Now I’m with someone else. And I’m happy. And I’ve wanted to befriend you. Just friends and maybe good friends again. We got onto a good start. But me being a pioneer screwed it up. Then I tried apologising. And this is what I don’t get. You starting being nice to me again. I thought we restarted. But as soon as I turn around, you ignore me. I just want to say hi and have a hi back. A good luck on your exams and I know you heard me. You just keep walking.

Your stupid face. The laugh I once thought cute, sounds worse than my arse when I’m taking a dump after I’ve drunk a litre of milk. Oh yeah. Lactose intolerant.

It didn’t have to be this way. Now I hate you. Oh how rarely I hate people. I’ve never wanted to hate you. Yeah. Screw you. Go do someone else. Go fall in love. And I hope he does what you’re doing to me. And then will you look back at me and feel lament. Then try and say sorry. Cos by then your heart will be so sore you won’t be able to breathe. Then will feel it. Will you try to be nice. Will you want to be friends. Haha. You keep saying you’ll die a lonely woman who raises cats. I hope you die old. So then you get to see all your loved ones and biffles die. And then you get to count your days to live.

on a better note.

that was at like 11 something. i feel okay now.
trying to concentrate on chem.

Lol. No one readddddsss. because no one is interesteedddddddd.


This is stupid. Danielle. Why?


well. I wish i hadnt screwed up our relationship. maybe we'd still be together. maybe we'd still be friends. Maybe, just maybe.

Well back to studying.

HAHA. Adrian's a drummer with no drums or legit drumsticks. because he's stupid. weeeeeeeee. wow so emo for..

yeah. i want to sing. i want to scream. gah. i feel so restricted. i want a hug. seriously. sometimes i wish i was a girl. i could go and give hugs andd actually recieve them. lol a guy who guys people is either a massive flirt or he's gay. weeeeeeee. Feelings = hurt. aahahahah. yayyyy. weee waddup guys who read. no one. ahahahaha.

long post. about what? nothing. Yes. Nothing. Your so cold 'friendship' is nothing.

I'm sorry nom, for saying all this.

Tuan i want to dnm again. ZOMG

FK. ANYONE UP FOR A SLEEP OVER? AHAHAHA. no because guys think it's gay for guys to sleep over at guy's houses. play games and eat and sleep. it's so gay.

I wish i had a twin, who had a similar personality. I WISH I HAD SOMEONE CLOSE. who is close to me. lol i always end up falling for them. stupid. i need someone who i dont fall for and will be close to me. yes adrian has lots of problems.

and what's best? My father wont allow me to go to a counceller. Great. now what.

he thinks it's a failure to go to a counceller.

GAH. Why am i feeling sorry for myself. I'm such a woman.
Guess what danielle. I'ma give you the rest of this week to notice or fking do something, because after this week. to hell with whatever. you dont try? laters. it's just going to be fking rant on and on. i'm going to hate you. Cos i'm fking ready to hate. fk it. Whatever. you fking ignore me. i dont give a shit. dont say i didnt try. Dont fking say shit about me. because guess what. You think you're so great? fk you. i dont get what my feelings are doing. i dont get any of this SHIT. to think i once loved you. to think that i trusted you. it's funny. how i actually truely loved you. i was so stupid. literally willing to do anything for you. i think what hurt me the most was you always doubtedd my love. lol. it's stupid. i feel that ti's a guys weakness to say love... o.O yeah. i mean at this level. yeah. but eayh. xDD now you can go do whatever. anyways. bye me. because it's only me who read my blog. lol yeah. i read over my own blog. yeah. isnt that cool. whatever. fk you adrian, fk you andy.

I shall go.

