you said that you loved me.

Posted on: Saturday, May 21 @ 12:27 AM



So Macgee didnt make it into bring it on. sigh. oh well. guess at least we tried our best. always room for improvement. makes me feel kinda sad. to know that we're not gonna have practices anymore. and everyone will slowly drift apart. WAIT. no just me. everyone is joining Bring it on Academy tomorrow. Guess what i have tomorrow. I have tutor and tennis. I'm even quitting tennis next season. T^T. but yeah. so everyone will be together, but i wont be. yay. wow so emo.

Kinda wish nom was here. at least have someone to talk to. in person. Hello Matt. I dunno. if it's just me. Maybe it is. When i talk to you, it's like you dont want to have anything to do with me.

.. must be just me.

So yeah. Made a new signature. ermm. wishing for a lot of things. mostly just money. so i can buy the things i would like. such as a DLSR. and a drumkit. yeah.

Learnt a lot about diphrams today. well actually using it. sub music teacher is really detail about support. and i found out that i've been doing it wrong all these years. xDD well AD. let's get practising. yay.

well yeah. kinda sad. but it's life. we have to deal with it. sigh. wish we got through though. everyone would have been so bucked and ready for anything. we'd be so close to each other.

reading back on stuff. Adrian fanpage<3

I miss you, Daniel. I miss what we had. I loved you. I think i still do. I just want to hold your hand. Feel you hug me again. lemme sleep in your bed again. my one and only DP.

I shall go.



Run away.

Posted on: Thursday, May 19 @ 4:29 PM



"When I run into you, you, you,
do you feel it too, too ,too?
Never lie to me baby boo, boo, boo."

Dont leave me for him. Baby what's wrong with me. I try for you. Dont you love me anymore? I'll do anything for you. I want to be with you always. Trust me. Like I trust in you. Baby dont go. I need you here right next to me. I cant see you. Where are you? Baby dont go. You're the one for me. I cant take it if you jsut go. i really want to spend my life with you. i run a hundred miles for you. I just want to see your smile. i dont care what poeple think of me. i dont care what others think of you. I just want to be with you. Dont go. He's not the one for you. He just wants to use you. You're to innocent. He wont love you like i love you. I give you my affection. dont doubt my affection. dont leave my affection alone. just look in my eyes. dont look at other guys. i'm here for you. i'm here for you. i want to be the only one for you. They wont love like i love you. I love you.

Hey Jess, I know who you like. (:

I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, May 15 @ 5:41 PM





I shall go.



Ad very sick.

Posted on: Friday, May 6 @ 9:43 PM



Ad is very sick. Sever tonsillitis. Fever constantly around 40.
Now on penicillin. If don't recover within 48 hours. Adviced to go hospital.


My brain. Fkin hurts. Gahh somebody helpppp.

I shall go.



Bed bound.

Posted on: Wednesday, May 4 @ 11:17 PM



So here I am. Bed bound. Thinking of all the things that could happen if I wasn't.

Fraser. This fever is killing me. Everytime I move, my headache gets worse. Everytime I swallow my throat kills. Everytime I eat, I want to puke. Everytime I look, my eyes feel like theyre gonna explode. Everytime I move my neck, it feels like I've been sleeping wrongly for the past 15 years of my life. Gay. Fmfl.

Woke up to an empty house. It was cold. And lonely. Sigh.

Dad woke up every 4 hours to give me panadol to control my fever. Man i Iove my dad. Yer.

So how was school people. Hope you had an eventful day. Even if it wasn't extremely fun. I hope it was okay.

Talked to nom for a few minutes. Man. A few minutes can mean so much. It's amazing how a person can mean so much.

Gah. I was going through my phone. And my sim saved texts from my old phone. And so I read some old messages.
Made me think. Just came to mind, why didn't we work out.

Well its in the past.

Wow. Great timing. So sick - neyo is playing on my iPod.

Oh if just to let you know, I'm blogging from my iPod. Yerr.

Anyways. I want to be famous. Lol. Sound like a little kid. But yeah. Like on YouTube or something. Lol. Stupid wishes.

I miss nom. Yeah. I miss you. I miss friends. I miss hugs. Yay. Hugs. Lol. Free hugs? I'll give them for free. Anyone?

Lol. I heard a girl at tutor today say. Oh I really like this guy. Then her friend was like what would you do if he said he loved you. She was like ew. Noo. I'd run away. Ew. Loving is scary. Holy crap.

I'm like whoa wtpoo.

Anyways. Lol. I blog how I think. Sorry if you can keep up.
I can now cook oats. I can make the porridge that the three bears eat. Herr so if anyone want oats, tell me. Come over and you can eat some. Yay.

So yeah. I guess I'll end here.

Mmkay. Welp.

I shall go.



AD. Is sick D:

Posted on: Tuesday, May 3 @ 8:01 PM



Sigh. Ad is sick. So at 11.55 I went to bring it on practice. They said it was to start from 12:30 and end at 5:30
Holy cowballs. Bro. So I told Lisa that I'd sit it out and watch. Cos I don't really want to miss anything, but by 3:00 I felt terrible and I had my interview. Bro. Mr palframan. He's like you're not a good student are you. You talka lot and you don't do work. I'm like no, I do do work. He then accused me of not handing in my prac reports. WTPOO. I stayed up so many nights to finish my prac reports. Wow. Made me look like an idiot. Holy pooface. Sighhh. So after that I went to p block. Told blaze ima go home cos I felt worse than before. And I vomited. Well I guess you cold count it as vomit. It was like a mouthful. That's it. So yer. On the way home. Had to pick up sa. Got weather warnings that hailstorm and large thunder storm coming our way. Yer. Got home ASAP. so then I went to rest. And then had dinner. 'twas sah bland. Probs cos I'm sick. So after dinner went to doctors. Waited for an hour. Finally went in. Doctors are intimidating. He's like so. What can I do for you.

I assumed that was the cue to explain my symptoms? Yerr so I did that and he measured temp and what not and he's like you're 38 degrees. I'm like whoa shiz. So then he's like you might also have glandial fever or someshiz. And so he's like id like you to take panadol every 4 - 6 hours and this antibiotics and have a blood test to check if you have the fever and to count your red blood cells. So I was like wtpoo. Now.

Test. Now?

So went next door? And took a number sat down. Wanted to text someone going natpoo going blood test. I'm scared save mee. But by the time I tool out my phone, the lady was like youre next? Okay come in.

Wow I was poo scared. Then she was like can you tell me your name and date of birth. And so I said it and she was like. When was the last time you had a blood test. I'm like when I as 5. She's like whoa. Okay so do you know how this work? I'm gonna use two tubes. It's only gonna take about 15 minutes. Oh I mean 15 seconds. I'm like whoa 15 mins. Haha. She then was like so why nationality are you. I'm like malaysian Chinese. She's like oh okay. I thought you were Korean. Cos I'm Korean. I was like lol. Then she was like how old are you? I'm like 15. She's like whoa. Oh okay. I'm like way? How old do I look. Shes like, older.

So yerrr. She was like it's onl gonna sting a bit. Didn't sting. Yay. So then she was like so don't lift any heavy weights with this arm , or you'll get bruises. So I was thinking. Jess. Did you carry something heavy after your blood test?

Lol so yer. That was my day. I don't think I'm gonna go to school tomorrow. Orthe day after that. Man I'm sah sick. Sigh. Don't miss me.

Mmkay then

I shall go.




Posted on: Monday, May 2 @ 7:33 PM



Wow. i havent blogged since... the 12th? wow. okay.

Well, i guess i want to start blogging again. v blogging would be easier but.. uploading takes a while and i dont want ot have to go through it. so yer. i want to change skins. lol. It looks sah emo. Dx but i remember all the effort i put into setting everything up. zomg. sigh. yeah.. my life isnt that interesting. lol. i noticed that i blogstalk and facebookstalk a lot. xDD talking about facebook. xDD I'm losing friends. xDD yerr. like i unintentionally looked at my friends one day. it said 523. and then the next day i looked it said 519. im like.. okay. o.O lol. Music. Thank you Lewis for introducing me to Jessie J. I was always looking for who the artist of Pricetag was. like aerlgaerg. I have a massive heache.

someone made me think today, if i were to die today, would i be satisfied with what i have contributed to this world, in this life?

Honestly, no.

What have i done in this world? wow. HEADING TO EMO. zomgzomg stop.

I'm sorry Bee. I'm sorry Mitchell.

mmkay. So much i think about.

Things that made me .. hmm..
Bee said, You should stop saying what your mind thinks.
Mitch: why dont you fan over iu.

Both, This is what makes me, me. If i change this, does it not mean that i am changing to what i dont want ot be?

The other day, again. even though i shouldnt be, even though i feel that i've moved on, even though i feel differently now; i thought of danielle.

sigh. why?

Thought, do i matter in her life? Do I mean anything anymore? I wonder what she tihngs of me now. I wonder if she ever thinks about me. gah. Stupid brain. Fk. T^T Why?

Happy One Month and One Day.

Jed. xDD

David said i love a lot.
Maybe i do. If he hasnt noticed. If nobody has noticed, I love a lot of people. I love my friends like. I would do so much for them. Yes, I'm an affectionate person. I can be. I dont have to be. lol. xDD wow. going sadface this is poo. Dad doesnt want me to go see a counceller. bro, dont you know i NEED one? i dont just want one. sigh. xDD Poooo. stop reading. stop typing. gahhh. i broke down in front of my dad. Cried till my eyes were swollen. i really want someone close. But i dont want someone close and i end up falling for them. gah. i need a friend. i need daniel park. i need chino wood. i need brandan ho. i need cynan tomsen. i need so many people.

the other day, i was thinking to myself. wow. it's scary. that a lot of times in my life, i've wanted to just live in my room. like my parents just give me food and i live in my room. like toilet outside and all but like no internet no comp no ipod no music. just bed in a room.

Gab's made our family sick.
Sa's sick my dad's sick. dad's raged at sa cos gab still stayed her dispite the fact that he knew he was sick and he would spread it to us. sigh

heard my voice on a vid yesterday.. it's annoying. wow. i waslike wtpoo. people have to listen to that. that's ... how do you manage. gosh.

I'd like to think that 'im over danielle. this is shit. seriously.
I'm a pooface.

sigh. brain hurts.
I sit here waiting to talk to someone. You know what i want? a person who knows me. like wouldnt yo want a friend who knows you so well, they know everything aobut you? like gah. i want a friend who knows me extremely well. sigh. i am in search for one. lol. telling people who read. that I have an inferior complex. xDD i tihnk everyone has it to some degree.

sigh. i guess, i want someone like me? i want to have a sleep over with a guy.. and so he doesnt feel liek i'm gay or something. and doesnt think that the concept is gay. Cant for walter and tuan. dp mum doesnt let. snow, you're a bit old and i would like to do it with you, but bro my parents would think i'm gay. lol i can only do it with cynan, but yet again, goes to grammar. sigh.

I miss pup.

So here i am. feeling lonely. hello. doubt anyone reads. lol.. xDD yay wee I'm a hobo. lol rawr grawrrr.

I want to hug someone. I want someone to hug me. Weeee. wow. This is a bad feelings. xDD someone hug me. please? I really really want a hug. (: Sokay. I'll do what carol told me to do, curl up into a ball and hug yourself. You're hugging your knees. xDD But that's what really what i want. I dont want to hug someone. I want someone to hug me. lol weee. this is stupid.


I shall go.

