you said that you loved me.


Posted on: Friday, March 25 @ 9:41 PM



27/35 KaP
552 MaP
shh+hh+s C&J

Sigh, again with the one mark off an A.
But Teacher said that on the report card he can make it an A, but in the data base it will still be the same.

Well. Today, afterschool i went to Bring It On (BIO) practice. Fun.
Came home and straight away, i dunno why, i put my bags down took off my shirt ( i had an undershirt) and went to play piano. Played piano then played sax for a while, then back to piano. Until 7:11. xDD can tell why i remembered the time. lol

Anyways after that, i was in an amazing mood. I sorta still am. ANYWAYS. before dinner i put music on. Ipod to Surround Sound System. YAY. after dinnner. zomg dad gave me the BIGGEST serve of ice cream. lol wants me fat probs. we were listening to rock and talking about drumms and stuff. then we settled down and i was still eating my icecream and he was reading stuff, then Oh! By SNSD comes on. and my dad starts tapping his feet and nodding his head to the rhythem. lol xDD I love my dad. he's so cool. lol. So then finished ice cream. I cleaned my plates and he clean his. he went out to paint and i stayed inside. SINGING TO THE TOP OF MY LUNGS. xDD yay.
so then iunno. i think i'm going ccrazy, i started thinking about doing my prac report and how fun it'll be. xDD observations and stuff. wow. xDD lol

rah.. i have a sore throat and massive ulcers. T^T poo.

Sigh. Oh well. I feel like eating.. xDD YUMMY.

I shall go.



Grawrrooines. xDD

Posted on: Friday, March 18 @ 5:46 PM



Dont walk away, or we'll rest in shallow graves.
Unable to rest peacfully, the hole will haunt you endlessly.
Dont need to question. This is Fate.
No more patience. Let's enrage.

Bring the benches together.
Shoot them down with a chain gun.
Watching them drop as we laughter.
You have no place to run.

Let's see if the bodies float in the water.
Or if they sink down to the bottom of hell.
Break a leg and run away after.
We wont get in trouble, no one will tell.

Go. Run away. I'll watch you trip as they catch up.
You dont want them to touch you, but you open yourself like that.
A hand passes your shoulder, you're fucked.
He pulls you down, now all you can do is fight back.

Bottons ripped open. The hand grabs for you.
You try to get back up, but you can't.
Get up, but you're pinned down. What can you do?
Wait for it to end, but he's only just pulled down his pants.

Bring the benches together.
Shoot them down with a chain gun.
Watching them drop as we laughter.
You have no place to run.

Let's see if the bodies float in the water.
Or if they sink down to the bottom of hell.
Break a leg and run away after.
We wont get in trouble, no one will tell.

Blood spatters on your face. A tooth hits your eye.
A foot smacks your chin. Dirt is in your mouth.
The rapist is on the ground, coughing like he's gonna die.
A leg penetrates his face. You cant turn back now.

Bring the benches together.
Shoot them down with a chain gun.
Watching them drop as we laughter.
You have no place to run.

Let's see if the bodies float in the water.
Or if they sink down to the bottom of hell.
Break a leg and run away after.
We wont get in trouble, no one will tell.

Stupid Rapists. I still dont have a name for that. hmm.
suggestions? xDD


Welp. So currently in the midst of exam time. sigh. xDD

Miss a lot of people.

Smile guys. Dont be sad. Sigh. Please? be happy?

Mmkay. I'm hungry. T^T waiting on dinnerrr. Apparently it's my favourite childhood meal. Dx Wonder what it is. xDD I love suprises. xDD YAY.

Well that's all for noww.

I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, March 13 @ 4:42 PM



xDD All done. My shoulders hurt. sigh.

Nomnomnomnom. TT

I shall go.



Rage post.

@ 1:01 AM



FK YOU. T^T. i hate you. please why cant you just leave. plese. you annoy me. you annoy everyone. go cut yourself. i've seen your scars. and to think that i was happy with you today. I HATE YOU.

your stupid hair. your face. your arms. your hands. they way you look. they way you walk. the way you speak.

i hate your voice.

Seriosuly. get out.

Cry, you fking baby.

I shall go.




Posted on: Saturday, March 12 @ 12:17 AM



Well, a lot of things have happened. And a lot of things happened because of something., but to start of, I'm going to talk about primary school.

Remember in primary school, for those who went to my primary school, there was a tree in the junior play ground that had a bench around it that you could sit at. Well, i remember our teacher in grade 1 would say, if ever you didnt have anyone to play with, you can sit there and someone will see you there and come play with you.
and back then, if you did sit there, people would come to play with you, and disregard that you were alone. They wouldnt tease you and call you a loner.

Today, a friend of mine, was talking about her primary school. she was like, there wasnt really a detention. What would happen was if you did something wrong, they'ed give you a piece of paper and ask you to scribble on it and express how you felt, with a crayon. she thought this was stupid. i agreed. but really inside, i thought it was the greatest idea. it's so smart. scribbling on a piece of paper, how you felt. then they could have assesed your feelings. anger, sadness, loneliness, exclusion, marginalised.

Which comes down to this. I remember a few weeks ago, i was down, and my sister said to me,

"Adrian, I dont know how you're feeling right now. And I cant really say i can relate, but all i can say is this. You remember my High schooling years. They werent the best, I know. But if i had learnt anything, i had learnt that you cant always rely on your friends to be happy. Sure your friends can bring a lot of happiness to you, but in the end, you're in charge of your own happiness. Just think about it. you have happy memories. You have had happy moments. So if you have friends, that's great. If you dont, still be happy. Dont let your friends pull you down and make you unhappy. Make yourself happy. Dont rely on your friends. Learn that now. So you dont have to learn it the hard way. Like i did."

I love my sister. I love my friends.
But just a few moments ago. Maybe it was something i shouldnt have read or saw. I'm sorry.

Now. Even though I'm afraid you'll see this. <,,<
I'm afraid that my feelings will never let go.

I shall go.



STOLEN FROM JESH! then from Ecorn.

Posted on: Saturday, March 5 @ 5:50 PM



and like Jesh, i'ma try this all in one go.

Basic Facts.

1. I'm a BOY! a real boy.
2. My Name is Adrian Man.
3. I'm 15. 5 months till 16.
5. I'm very particular about my clothes.
6. I think i'm 165, but apparently not.
7. I go to MacG.
8. Year 11.
9. I have a mummy and daddy and usually awesome sister.
10. I have a doggie.
11. I live in woopwoop.
12. I have a few best friends.
13. I have ermm i think 4? BBFLs.
14. I'm asian.
15. I'm easily amused.

Not So Basic Facts

1. I like to eat. Though sometimes my tummy says no, but my mouth wants MOAR. >D
2. I try to try.
3. I'm not particularly good at anything.
4. I try really hard to fit in.
5. I constantly change myself to accepted.
6. My personality can change from Nice to Dick.
7. I have intense mood swings, even though I'm a boy.
8. I have a short temper.
9. I want more.
10. I try to be happy most of the time.
11. I'm unfit.
12. I LOVE shopping. If i have money.
13. Assignments Grind my gears.
14. I dont think when i shower.

Ice Breaker. I like that game.

1. ermmmmmm. Breaking ice. I dont think i do. I'm too shy?
2. When I meet new people, i get scared usually.
3. I get intimidated by almost everyone when i first meet them.
4. When in our group, (am i part of the group?) I just stand behind someone and try to get into the circle, and look at people.
5. When with other people, I stand really close to the person i know.
7. I say Hi, and act like the person I'm not.
8. I'm totally different from my first impression.
9. Looks are deceiving. T^T I'm actually Nice.
10. I usually ask how's it going.
11. I'll be weird.
12. I usually dont talk when meeting new people.
13. I say grwarr.


1. Zomg. I get really nervous.
2. I want a hug from you. lol. I always want hugs. I'm just too scared to ask anyone for one.
3. I will tell someone that i'm into you.
4. I will always look out for you. At school, out of school. lol stalkerish.
5. I'll facebook stalk you.
6. I act weird around you. I think i'll try to be cute, or cool or sometihng awesomely not me.
7. If i hear your name i'll like instantly turn. shush I sound weird.
8. I will TRY to get your attention.
9. I get jealous.
10. Iunno. I get weird. like any communication with you will make my day. shush cliche asss poo.
11. I want to talk to you on msn or something. text. i tihnk i get annoying. T^T
12. I check msn and skype or facebook or whatever to see if you're on or anything is new.


1. LOL. Facial expression tell straight away.
2. I try to be nice to you.
3. I dunno is this if someone likes me and i dont? or a person i dont like, even as a friend?
4. You grind my gears and i will tell someone that you do.
5. i guess i indirectly avoid you, but i dont want people to know that i do.
6. i think of you when i punch things.
7. I saw poo stuff about you under my breath.
8. i call you a pooface. xDD in my head.
9. I dont really not like anyone. only one person. I try to hold a grudge, but i usually end up forgetting and forgiving, unless they did something terrible.
10. I will say stuff about you on my blog, but i'll never mention your name.
11. I'll bench about you to one of my BFFLs.


1. I BLOG.
4. I SING.
9. I DRAW.


1. Oh, i love it when people laugh and smile. as long as they're not making fun of me. i mean i can only take alittle bit of people makeing fun of me.
2. When I see Hey!Say!JUMP in a store.
3. When someone hold my hand. or even at least lets me hold their hand. T^T finger? but i have to like that person, even as a friend. if someone i hated tried to hold my hand. NO FK YOU.
4. Practising something, then finally getting it.
5. Being with people i trust.
6. Spending time with one person. one on one. like bonding time.
7. Being able to make a difference.
9. Feeling clean.

Infamously AD.

1. Known for? ermm i dont know. being me?
2. Wing Chun? only some people.
3. I really dont know what i'm known for. Half the time i dont even think i'm known. wow that was sad. wtpoo. ermm ermm ermm, known to be emo?
4. known to not live near ANYONE.
5. My stupidly big Adrian's apple.
6. Tennis? even though i'm not good.
7. Man this question is making me think really hard. oh being sus?
8. Saxophone?


1. I want earn a lot of Money. LOT OF IT. like MEGA amount.
2. I want finish learning this piano song i'm trying to self teach.
3. I want to go out with all my friends. like one on one. getting to know them.
4. I want to go to Melbourne.
5. I want to Master Wing Chun.
6. I want to get at least OP5. It's not going to happen. I cant seem to push my self to get good marks. I dont even get As.
7. I want to get my piercings.


4. want to hurt you. unless of course you're a poobum. LEAD.
5. Stop wishing.
6. I will never want you to cry because of me. If I've done something to you to make you cry, I will never forgive myself.


1. I'm usually nice?
2. If you want me to make a good impression of your friends to your parents I can be really polite for you. xDD
3. I will try to do something for you, normally, if you need a favour, i'll try my best to fulfill it.
4. Wait was this meantto be about you? or me? i tihnk it's me. Lol. I'm so vain. T^T <,,<
5. I'm usually good with fashion. Probs cos My sister is doing fashion. lol.


1. I get very very emo.
2. I do stupid things when i'm sad.
3. I get sad pretty easily.
4. If you abuse my trust, not only will i be very say, I will never forgive you.


1. Sad Stories.
2. If my good/best/BFFL/friend backstabbed me. Dx
3. If anyone i knew died.

WIN ME. I'm a game.

1. If you're really nice to me, kind and caring. Listen to me. Hug me. Talk to me. Dont hurt yourself. oops. poo it's meant ot be one thing.
2. Make me smile.

1 Thing 2 Say.

1. zomg i have a lot of things to say.

> Dont go.
> Hug me.
> Stay.
> Goodbye.
> Stay safe.
> Dont get hurt.
> Eat well.
> Dring water.
> Thank you.
> For everything.
> See you again.
> Please to meet you.
> Pleasure to meet you.
> I wish to have another day like today; here with you.


Hope your eyes didnt get too tired reading all that.


I shall go.


imissyou. HEAPS.


Posted on: Tuesday, March 1 @ 5:34 PM



"Pinch and a punch for the first day of the month."

First day of Autumn too. Hope you like it. Everything means something.
I miss you. I want to talk to you more. Everytime i look at you, it's just feelings are.. idunno.

I need to get better at DDR. lol. I'm still very shitty. I can read it, but legs arent fast enough. stubbling, not getting the balance. not turning.

Chickens gone CLUCKY!

||" Dear Lord,
Thankyou for counting on us everyday we're living.
You're not greedy; never taking, always giving.
Let us rejoice for you know everything that is happening.
Thank you for showing us not to hold grudges, and to be forgiving. "||

I shall go.

