you said that you loved me.

Rest well and continue your journey...

Posted on: Wednesday, February 23 @ 11:12 PM



First of all, I send my dearest condolences to the passing of my good friend's Grandmother. And take this moment to remember to cherish and respect the people around you. Forget all the things around you. Your hates. Anger. Guilt. Jealousy. Just for a moment. Take a breath. Look around yourself. Be greatful for the things you have now. The things you still have.

You're not alone. Your friends around you, may not be able to comfort you the way most needed, but just to let you know we've all experienced loss before and can relate.

I shall go.




Posted on: Monday, February 21 @ 10:10 PM



Bought the box today. xDD Putting stuff in it. xDD yay. lol.

wow. i love this song. 絆 by kazuya kamenashi.

Dont feel like doing work. my brain is just. grawrring.

Rain rain.

The weather outside the window, is like your ever-changing expressions.
it starts to rain. And the rain cries with me.
it is blurry, but I don't want to see clearly.

Leaving you, I silently retreat.
I can't bare to tell our story.
My tears flow into my heart and I'm learning to give up.

Listening to the rain, the rhythm is distinct. Your breathing soaks my love like the falling rain. I hope that rain will continue to pour.
Let me continue to miss you
Let my love become transparent
I fell in love with the courage that gave me 'Rainie love'.

The raindrops outside the window slowly accumulate
The moisture indoors are like my memories of my love for you
I hope that rain will continue to pour.
This secret of my rainy love will last forever
I believe that I will see the beauty of the rainbow.

The Cold air, is suffocating and I cannot breathe.
Being the distance of 10,000 raindrops lets love fade completely away.

Leaving you, I silently retreat.
I can't bare to tell our story.
My tears flow into my heart and I'm learning to give up.

The raindrops outside the window slowly accumulate
The moisture indoors are like my memories of my love for you
I hope that rain will continue to pour.
This secret of my rainy love will last forever
I believe that I will see the beauty of the rainbow.

enough of rainie. xDD
she makes me drink. Stupid scene where she's like drinking makes you forget.
LOL referrence to Jesh's blog. and NO it doesnt. tried so many times.

lol. Sound like an attention seeker. xDD Probs am. wow.

Saw the pretty girl today. Saw her arm too. wow. I envy her.

xDD makes me want to. xDD lol sound like a crazy guy talking to himself. WTPOO that's what i'm doing.

wow. just so much to think about. do you think that if you ever thought so much or had so much in your head, your head would explode.

wow. xDD i wish i coould live in my own unit. or apartment.

my mum out of no where was just like, why do you look like a retard.
i'm like do i look like a retard?
she says, yeah your face looks like retard.

what the hell is this? i dont understand.

wow. wow.

it just keeps going and going.

reading back. looking at the past. i know i shouldnt. but.

yeah. all attempts have failed.
wait almost all. One succeeded.

But yeah. CM never worked. I tried. Just got worse.

I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, February 20 @ 10:45 PM



Keep smiling. If you get hit in the face, keep smiling. :>

I shall. try.




Posted on: Saturday, February 19 @ 12:11 AM



Wow. Bio was the highlight of the day.
James. xDD what's the opposite of flaccid.

lol. xDD

acutally the highlight of the day was listening to my ipod. BEST SONG EVERRRR. xDD

fueled my hyperness. xDD

In Bring it on.


AD. is so cute. xDD I loooooove him. he's so adorable. zomg.

drilling toes.

I'm sorry. Didnt mean to do that to you. I didnt know what to say. and You're not taking it so well. i know it's poo. And i'm the cause of it. but. I really still want to be friends with you.


Which reminds me.



ermm BLUE.


xDD yayayayaya. <3333 good songs. xDD love songs.

Hmm. Matt. I'm still not sure about you. a lot of fuzzle going through my brainssss.



xDD I like you. Happy days for you and me. Together we can explore, run, be free.
rah rah rah. Tired. Sleeping now.

I shall go.




Posted on: Monday, February 14 @ 11:28 PM



How are you? Good? well?

Imagine this. You're walking around a school. you sit near your friends and. WOW YOU HAVE FRIENDS. xDD that's great for you.

So who did you think of?
your friends? who were the ones who came up in your head first.
Now imagine them stabbing you inthe back with a nail.

Now imagine a 550 by 110 ply with 4 inch nails sticking out of it. Now imagining having to slam your arm down on that. xDD what a feeling.

xDD think of all the blood. slud. xDD

Mmkay. So I offically hate you.
I hate school. Why? because I hate you.
I hate life. Why? because I hate school. why? because i hate you.


Acutaly I hate all of you. Yes again. But this time YOU'RE not even here. xDD

So there we go. Who now? what now?

You think i'm emo shit? fk you.

I dont give a damn what you think

nownow actually i do. I care about what everyone says. xDD that's why i'm the person that i am. xDD i reflect you.

Not just one person. Everyone.

You want to see the shit in you? Look at me. xDD Did it hurt? when the satan squeezed you out of his asshole? Does it hurt? that you dont anymore?
No of course not. You never notice. You dont care.

You tihnk you're so great. Pushing people around. What. you're greater than him? You're greater than everyone? Just because you think you're bigger. You're better?

I was meant to sleep at 11. HA. All i can think aobut it you. lol. sounds nice aye. xDD

Not really. You like being in his company, dont you. You feel great. xDD really? well if you feel so great, why do you complain? This happened. That happened. He said this.

Whatever. It's your fault. You're so open and free let anyone in.

You think i care for you. I did. lol. I probably still doo. But everytime. just brush me off. xDD cool. Last time i ask. Last time i care. Cos in the end, you're the one who's fucked. I care for you. But do you care? xDD lol. No. You're to self obsessed. Close up. Dont let me in. Okay I get it. Try and fk with me? Ha. Be nice then snap. xDD great. Wait till i do that to you. I dont tihnk you'll ever want me near you. Whatever. you're a shitface anyways.

YOU. you judge me. Great. I mean it's human to. But the things you do. Fk you. Like i'd want to sit near you. all you do is look at me and laugh. well guess what. you should look at yourself and fking break the mirror because the world deserves more than your face. fk you. sif you would care. you think so you're so cool with the boys around you. that's only ebcause you're fking hopeless. right hopeless. get it in your reaking thick skull.

get a life. no actually you can just go fk yourself. I dont mind. Because in the end all of you are fktards. Dont talk to me. Ever. I dont want anything to do with you.

Now Imagine me walking away from you. Never to be near you again. wait you dont need to imagine that. It's happening.

I shall go.



Poo. I forgot my favourite one.

Posted on: Wednesday, February 9 @ 11:03 PM



I shall go.




@ 10:52 PM




<3333 you.

I shall go.




Posted on: Monday, February 7 @ 9:06 PM


Hey Guys.


xDD Hello.

Just like to tell someone something. xDD

IF you havent forgotten, this blog is about ME. ME.


M. E.

You think I'm vain?


You think every post i post is aobut you. xDD

Lol. xDD Who are you calling vain.

This BLOG is about ME.

AD. Adrian. Man. AMAN. AD.isAMAN. Me.

So stop thinking that you're such a big thing in my life.

Because you arent. xDD

Not anymore. xDD Now everyone knows who i'm talking about.


You had your chance. And I'd have to admit, we both screwed up.

Yes Had a good time together. Yes. But That's over. And I dont let it affect me.

mmhmm? xDD

No, I'm not gay.

HW: jap, chem, bio, B, C. lol almost every subject. mmkay. xDD


I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, February 6 @ 11:45 PM


Hey Guys.

School soon. Zomg. in like a couple hours.

Havent been hree in a while.

So lots happening. hmm

i dont know what happening.

Dx T^T zomg eat panamax. yeah i'm so asian.

You're such a seductive person.
your clothes and everything. pshhhh.

hmm. xDD I want to hold someone's hand. xDD

Feeling lonely. poop. T^T

hmm Bernett. xDD Only person who lets me hold his hand. NO WAIT lewis.

hmm. zomg. so much homeowkr. poop. T^T

someone give me a hug. and a portable aircon.
it's too hot to go to shcool.
i cant concentrate.

mmkay enough here. xDD no one reads anyways.

I shall go.

