you said that you loved me.

What the hell is wrong with you.

Posted on: Sunday, January 30 @ 5:57 PM


Hey Guys.

As you should know there is a certain bitch out there trying to make it hard for everyone. Hard for everyone to even live. Stupid fag. You think you're so great. Going around and being a fuktard. You think you're so big. What the fuck is wrong with you. You want friends? HA. Fat chance, tard. You wouldnt be able to make friends with the piece of shit i just slammed your thick head into, you're so freaking stupid.

Get out of my life.

Dont even look at me.
Dont talk to me.
Dont even appear in my head.

You're worthless.

Get Lost.

No one likes you.
No one ever will.

Go cut yourself. emo.

Fuck you.

And now,
I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, January 23 @ 12:14 PM


Hey Guys.

So I was meant to go to High School Division today. This morning. I didnt want to go. So I told my mum. she was like noo go. you should go. i'm like no i dont feel like going. then argueeeeeeeeee.

hmm. xDD -emo thinking-

The Nom

I eat you up everyday.
Well it isnt hard for me to say,
that when i see you i want to eat,
but what to eat, of you which is meat.
I try not to devour you whole,
for without you I would be the hole.
A hole within the earth.
The hole in which i was given birth.
The hole inside my tummy.
Which is why I eat you, yummy. (:
Food is my best friend.
But it doesnt make you second.
I like to eat when i am sad.
Yet, I know it is really bad.
I like to eat when I drink.
Drink what? Drink till i go pink.

Blade II
I'm gonna slit your thoat.
Make way for it's going to them gloat.
As the juices ooze out of the cavity,
the devil will ask you,"Will you marry me?"
You used to sever your wrists,
with knives, pens and poisin in your kits.

Enough rhyming. xDD

Today was bad to start off. But then it got better. School starts tomorrow.

Hope everyone is ready. xDD see you at school.


I shall go.




Posted on: Friday, January 21 @ 6:29 PM


Hey Guys.

How's it been? Your holidays. So much has happened. I believe. Iunno. Maybe not for you, but a lot has happened in mine. It's been 3 months. 16 weeks. It feels like a long time, but it really hasnt been. My priority is now my grades in school. I know i've said it once before, but enough with all this stuff. It's time I really look into my future. What do i see in 5 years time. Maybe even 10. Then think, what do I want to be when i'm 40? or even 50. Grabbing life with two hands.

On the other hand, I've just been looking at stuff and turns out, Guess isnt that expensive. xDD YAY. Yeah.



Yeah. That's the watch I really want. Drools. It looks awesomely hot. And I can tell it'll look even more awesomely hot when it's around my wrist. (:

Hey Monimon. sigh. Why. grawr. kevin grinds my gears.

So School is in a few days. I've got my books. and yeah. i need to put my names on my exercise books. hmm. School's going to be different. Or maybe it'll stay the same.
I dunno. Let's go and find out. See you at school.

I shall go.




Posted on: Tuesday, January 18 @ 11:51 PM


Hey Guys.

Name: Adrian.
Birth Date: 5th August.
Current Location: In my room.
Hair Color: Brown.
Righty/Lefty: Rightyyyyy.

Your fear: What people think of me.
Your dream of the perfect date: ermm. perfect date. ermm me and my girlfriend. nothing bad happen. xDD
Goals you’d like to achieve: This year? and next? and for the rest of my life? be sucessful. xDD get As and get lots of moneeyyyyyyy.

Your thoughts first waking up: No one talk to me or anything. Just let me sleep some moree.
Your best physical feature: ermm. I dunno. Not suree.
Your bed time: 12 -1 ish?
Your most missed memory: Childhood. Everyday. xDD Yesterday.

Pepsi or Coke: Coke. Pepsi is somewhat a bit sweeter.
McDonald’s or Burger King: Maccas for fries. Burger King for burgers. xD
Single or Group Dates: Both? But I'd like the first one to be single.
Adidas or Nike: I have more Nike shoes but im' a high tops fan. xDD <3
Chocolate or Vanilla: Both. But not at the same time. xDD
Cappuccino or Coffee: Coffee with 4 teaspoons of sugar.

Smoke: Nope.
Cuss: cuss as in annoy? then yes. anything else.. i dunno.
Take showers: Yup.. I havent taken a bath in ages. just showers.
Have a crush: atm? Iunno. yes?
Like school: To see friends. and I like to know things.
Believe in yourself: Nope. Rarely.
Believe what goes around comes around: Nope. My mum does. Karma. Buddism.
Believe everything happens for a reason: ermm iunno. sometimes.
Think you’re a health freak: Nope. But i like to stay healthy and clean.

Gone to the mall: Yes.
Been on stage: Stage? ermm noo
Eaten sushi: No.
Been hurt: Yes.
Dyed your hair: Month... No.

Played a stripping game: Yes..
Kissed the same sex: Yessum.
Gotten beaten up: Nope.
Changed who you were to fit in: Mmhmm. xDD one of my weaknesses. xDD Constantly change my self for people. xDD and in this case to fit in. I dont even know who i am. (:

Age you’re hoping to be married by: 25 - 29 Too old and im too old.
Number of kids you’re planning on having: 3. because i've always wanted another sibling. 2 seems too lonely. T^T.

Best eye color: in a girl? ermm brown? well i the asian style so.. yeah.
Hair color: doesnt really matter. just not ott.
Short or long hair: either. as long as it suits her. i mean some people just dont suit short hair and same with long.
Looks or personality: Both. Personality is very important, but looks attracts.
Fun or serious: When needed either.

1 MINUTE AGO: Skyping.
1 HOUR AGO: Skyping.
1 WEEK AGO: Melbournee.
1 YEAR AGO: Getting ready for school?

I FEEL: tired. and have a head ache...
I HATE: people who have betrayed my trust.
I HIDE: from scary and very attractive people.
I NEED: you in my arms.
I LOVE: the feeling of being loved.

I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, January 16 @ 2:20 PM


Hey Guys.

Let's make things simpler.

Song to discribe how i'm feeling.

ALESANA! Mannn I love their songs. Drools.

It is about time?
Oh yes it is, it really is!
Let's get this party started!
My hands are shaking...
Just take a drink, steady your nerves.
Let's get this party started!

Are you ready to run?
I've been waiting patiently for this...
Are you ready to run?
I've been waiting patiently for this...
Are you ready to run?
I've been waiting patiently for this...
Are you ready to die?
Cause lately it seems I'm going insane!

Please don't get up!
Oh no, you're fine right there!
Just don't mind me as I take you all in!
So drink 'em up, oh yes just slam 'em down!
Have one on me as I lock you all in!
My sweet little sheep your wolf has come...

You should know I'm dangerous.
My thirst for blood turns me on...
How sweet...

Is this what we pictured the night that we said, "you're the one"?
I'm going crazy without you.
It's hard to believe but I'm having fun.

Annabel, look what you've started!

The knife slides down to the tip of my tongue.
I'm finding pleasure in watching you writhe.
I lean in just to lick the sweat off your face.
I taste the reverence dripping down my throat.

You should know I'm dangerous.
My thirst for blood turns me on...
How sweet...

Is this what we pictured the night that we said, "you're the one"?
I'm going crazy without you.
It's hard to believe but I'm having fun.

Annabel, look what you've started!

Are you ready to run?
I've been waiting patiently for this...
Are you ready to run?
I've been waiting patiently for this...
Are you ready to run?
I've been waiting patiently for this...
Are you ready to die?
There is definitely something wrong!
Will they scream?
Will they cry?
Will they beg as they die or have to accept that this is the end?

Are you ready to die? Are you ready to die? Are you ready to die?
Are you ready to die?!
I'm so glad that all of you came!
Looking in I see a lonely man etching tallies into the bar.
Looking on I see a desperate man repeating something on the floor.
Oh how blood turns me on...
So sweet...

Is this what we pictured the night that we said, "you're the one"?
I'm going crazy without you.
It's hard to believe but I'm having fun.

Annabel, look what you've started!


mmhmm. mmkay.

SOOO yesterday.

I went to school and mum paid for book hire and I paid for locker.
I got ermm F008? I'm not sure if that's in the corner. T^T but i know it's the top.
so then on the way out of school i saw Thomas. xDDD ZOMG I love him. he's so cutee. and has beautiful eyes. xDDD Then we went to IKEA for breaky. xDD nomnomnomnom. CHOMCHOMCHOM!

mmkay so then i went to garbo to check my roster. T^T sadface. Cos due to wage screwups they're using the base roster so i'm not on for another 2 weeks. sighh. lol

ermm then i went to office works to find my calculator. they made me wait like 40 minutes only to tell me there werent any left in stock and theere will be more on the 24th. im like .....

then i went to PLAZA. zomg. Box hill has so much more. Lol. Mmkay so I got there and saw Danielle. ZOMG. I was like I am going to say hi. I have balls. YES! Then as i was walking towards her i saw her sit down.. with her family. mum and dad and lil bros. i was like NOPE. see I'm not exactly in her parent's good books. xDD but yeah i was with gab.

I saw LOLface working. xDD Someone awesome gave her a tip. xDD Yeah.

So then we went to FUNHOUSE. or bluehouse in melbourne. xDD mmkay so then i played rave party. T^T I got addicted and wasted friggen $20. Yeah. Then I played ddr with gab. but as i was winning in raveparty SA was like crazy like she calld me and sounded angry and said get gab. im like okay okay oak yoaky oakyoakyokaoykay. then i told gab that sabrina needs her nowwwwww. and so he left halfway through his game of streetfighter. and i left halfway raveparty. then as gab was running to coffe club sabrina called me again and said where is gab i'm like he's running. she was like GET HIM ON THE PHONE! I'm like ok okay okayoaky oaky oakyokay. So then I SPRINTED and screamed GABBBB!!!!!!!! PHONEEEE GABBBBB.

This was why i was a running idiot, Danielle.

anyways then gab and i had dinner at coffee club. xDD and he felt sick and i felt sick too. so then we came home. xDD then talked to LOLface. and monnn. xDDD

I shall go.




Posted on: Tuesday, January 11 @ 11:31 PM


Hey Guys.

I've been feeling better. Lol. Not so emo o.O. Hehe. Yeah. So what I've bee told is that the dams are 150% and they're letting it go a bit so that's why the bris river is going to over flow onthursday.

Mmkay I can't be bothered blogging. I'm kinda sick of it.

I'll blog when I start to feel like it again.

I shall go.




Posted on: Monday, January 10 @ 10:32 PM


Hey Guys.

So great. Who's reading. Lol. I was just about to go fk this sht. But I remembered today.

I spent a day with monimon.

Yay. Just too good for words.


Back to talkin like this.

Lol. Thought I'd changed. For the better.
Sorry tuan. I kinda took it out on you.

I just.

Everyone has planned and organized everything so well. And. Dw. I can't explain it.

Lol. Dw about me. Haha. Nothing is wrong.

I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, January 9 @ 11:45 PM


Hey Guys.

So. A lot of thinking has been done. And it's still scaring me. I dunno what to do. It just. I feel. Gah stupid feelings.

Priority Number 1.
Get good grades in school.

Yeah. No thing I'd above that priority.

So yeah. On another topic. Danny. Daniel. Zomg. He's so cute. Zomg zomg zomg. Drooooools.

So I miss everyone. I really do. I miss people from school. I miss friends. I'm still thinking what it'll be like back at school. How people will be. How different they will be. Will we be the same? Will I be the same? I feel like I've changed in a lot of ways. I think being like this. By myself. No one I really know that well. It's. Hard.

My aunty had a spaz today. but it's cos my cousin said something. Like it kinda slipped and it was kinda hurtful. Hmm.

You know what I don't like. When people like parents set me as the example. TT. Like my aunty she's like you see Adrian. He's caring. Blahhh. TT I don't want to set example of. I feel bad. Sighhhhhhhh.

Yeah. I miss everyone.

I like avail lavigne. Yay. Lol. She's pretty. I like cartoons. I want someone who knows me. Someone to hold me. Someone to be there for me. Someone to hold my hand. Someone… Gahhhhh. No. I don't want anyone. Gah. This is stupid.

Go read someone else's blog. Mines boring.

I shall go.




Posted on: Saturday, January 8 @ 10:49 PM


Hey Guys.

I've just noticed. I've been blogging everyday. Sigh nothing good to blogg about. Lol. So the day started off like this. I woke up at about 9 then 10 the 10:28. Then I just cancelled my alarm which was went to go off at 10:45. I had to be awake by 11. And I was so set on the time, I kept waking up. Sigh. So I woke up. Did morning stuff. Cleaned my room. Put everything in my bags and hid them in the wardrobe. Today the house was OFI. So yeah. I made my bed. Then went down. Told my aunty I'd finished with my room. It was a hot day. So then we kept cleaning until about 1 ish. Then my cousin got picked up by her dad and my aunty took me to the pines. Today I was to practice the public transport. Zomg. I was nervous. So I took a bus from the pines to box hill. Zomg box hill is like half Chinatown half sunnybank plaza. Lol. I looked around and went to the customer service kiosk/ place and asked for a daily to central. And it cost me fking $10.80. I forgot to say concession. I paid full fare. The lady looked pissed even when I said thankyou. So I walked around for some more. And guess who I saw on a poster advertising colour contacts. That's right Rainie Yang. Zomg. Her mole was huge. Probes cos the poster was huge. But if yo look at her mole. It looks a lot like a star. Manna. Rainie. Drooooools. Anyways. So after a while I took the train to central. Zomg so many stops. I finally got to central and zomg. Inside the place is so pretty. Much much better than Brisbane myer centre. It's like. Awesome. Probably because there's a massive seiko watch thing clock. Zomg. Yeah. So I walked around and I found pancake palour. Or what's it's called. Or we call pancake manor. Yeah. So I had maccas for lunch. I felt so independent. So after a bit more of walking around I decided to come back. I couldn't find which train to take back because none of them said box hill. So I didn't panic. Lol mon you panicked. It was funny. But I looked at the maps and found my way. So I got back finally. Lol. Did I say that I did all this by myself? I felt so happy. I even talked to Andy about it. He was thrilled. Lol. Andy still likes the same girl. He's so happy when I say her name. He's so cute. I love Andy. When i got back kisha welcomes me by rubbing agianst me. Zomgi was like yay. Ive bonded with her. Yay. Kisha is a cat. So is Charlie. Zomg they both like me. Cept Charlie runs away from me occasionally. So after I got back say about 20 minutes my aunty took me out for dinner. And she told me a lot of her ways of doing things in finance. Lol. It was interesting. After that we came home I watched tv. I watched cartoon network. I love cartoons. The my cuz came back and she was like are yoy watching cartoons. I'm like yeah. Wtpoo you have a problem? She laughed. She's 4 months younger than me. Zomg Mickey mouse. Yay. " We've got ears, say cheers. " Yay. happyface. Mmkay so that was my day. I wish I could see Andy. And Daniel. And you pretty one.So we watched videohits after and Bruno Mars - Grenade came on. It was the first time I'd seen and heard it. And my face was of concentration trying to get the words in. And my cousin looked at my face and was like your face is like uuggghhhh. So thats how I typed. Like it? A lot is still going through my mind. Mmkay.
I shall go.




@ 12:25 AM


Hey Guys.

So today's question was

" If all the problems were fixed, would you go back. "

Wow. I had a day to think about it.

Seriously the whole was revolving around that question.
At any point of time, that was on my mind.

It was stressing me out. Would I?
The memories are so Old but yet so fresh.

Like everything just happened.

Everything going through my mind.

Would things be the same?
Would things change?
How would things be different?
How will people look at me?
What will I be at school?


Will I hurt this person. Will this person get hurt.

Maybe I just shouldn't. And for once in my life dedicate everything to studies.

And you. Do you know how much I care for you. Do you understand a lot of people care for you.

Everything was screwing with my brain.

Today I went out by myself and bought things from Coles. I felt so independent.

Then I went to dymocks? And bought a book.

Exactly. Wtpoo. AD. bought. a. book.

And it was $24.95

I had about $7 in coins and I had a $50 note.
I thought I gave her $5 in coins and the note.
So I did give her the note. But I gave her $4 in coins.

My maths is so shit now. Man.

Wow. Great. Kina Garris - Valentine.

Does it get any better?

I really need it now, mon.

So the house I'm in atm is ofi tomorrow. Open for Inspection.

Yeah and my aunty just cleaned the bathroom and I needed to take a bath.
And so I did. And because I didnt want to make her efforts seem like a waste, I cleaned up after my bath.
But I couldn't find the floor wipe things so I had to dry everything up with my towel. I cleaned up hair and stuff.

Mmkay. Love story. Taylor swift.

Seems to me almost every Taylor swift song makes me think of ecorn.

So a lot of thinking today.

I hate being sick.

Career. Now I'm considering finace. So it's medical or finace now.

Watched the beginning of the grudge 3. Not scary. Wtpoo are they doing.

Hmm. I didn't think about you too much today. But when I saw the text I was like wahh? Whoa. Really? I do too.

Only thinking about everything. No biggy.

I shall go.




Posted on: Thursday, January 6 @ 11:58 PM


Hey Guys.

So life.

Best question in the world.

What is the meaning of life.


My aunty was talking in depth to me about relationships.

Talking about Love. Respect. Trust.

The three main things needed to make a relationship work.

She's angelic Christian. How god guides you. The bible is the manual of life.

I see where she's going at. It's smart.

So much stress in life. Lol.

She also taught me how to shop.
She's like see spend a little more and it's better.

Lol. Shes like My Rolex watch is better than these watches. Something about six k.


Talked about sex and virginity. ..........


I really want to see school friends.

I miss everyone.

I want to know how you've been. How's work. How's life. How are people treating you. Is anyone taking care of you? Are you taking care of yourself?

Talk to pig.

I watched inception today. Wow.

It is a good movie. Yay.

Oh. I went to cold rock today. Guess what I got. Bubblegum iscream with mini m&ms. Yay.

It reminded me of you.

Feeling lonely here in melb. It's really. Hard.

Trying to stay happy. Yes.

Mmkay. I got shoes. Yay.

Mmkay. I hope everyone is having a good time.

I shall go.




Posted on: Wednesday, January 5 @ 10:11 PM


Hey Guys.

Second time posting. Sigh. iPod died so I have to type again.

So I'm missing you a lot. Lol. Iunno if you read.

Zomg. Just finished watching uninvited.
I bought it for you. If you haven't watched it already.

And you. Why are you like that. A lot of people want to see you.
I want to see you. Actually I want to see you smile.

Anyways. I'm off to do other things before I sleep. Like brush my teeth.

Oh I didn't reply because I thought it'd be cheaper to tall on msn. Lol. Cos I'm so cool.

I shall go.




Posted on: Tuesday, January 4 @ 7:59 PM


Hey Guys.

So AD. is in melbourrnnee.

Mandate the flight over I met a nice mature man about 60? His name is John.
He was really polite.


Watching angels and demons.
Its quite intense. Predictable. But it's pretty good.

I really miss you. Seriously. I really really want to be with you right now. Actually I want to be with you all the time.




Sniffles are crazy.



I really want to hear your voice.
Kekekekekekeke. Yayayayayaya.

Monnnnnimonmoj. Rabbity. Grawrrrrrrrr.


I shall go.




Posted on: Monday, January 3 @ 1:50 PM


Hey Guys.

Bored at home~

Woke up at 1.

Sorry about last night.

Felt emo. xDD

It's a pretty good feeling until something bad happens.

Leaving Tomorrow morning.

Just watched Oprah.

Synchronising my ipod for tomorrow.

So i dunno if i will be able to blog.

I'll see if i can. and i dont have M2 Micro SD card so my phone can only take what 60 photos. Sigh.

xDD You make me very happy. :}P
trruely. xDD Made me stop being emo.

Put you in a deep pocket. YAY. make you a dream doll house that you can really use. xDD

YAY. lol.

Mmkay. Tutor soon. gonna shower then clean my room, then tutor till 9, come back then finish packing and stuff.

yay and sigh.

mmkay. Finishing blogging.

Also considering typing differently now..

I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, January 2 @ 10:05 PM


Hey Guys.


Today was a pretty good day. Just hot.

So i'm leaving brisbane in 2 days.


A lot is still going through my head.

Oh AD. is back to poems and rhyminggg. YAY!

T'is a tad weird. But AD. is back in the gamee~

You long for the coolness of the blade.
You should scream, baby. Scream like you just camee.
You always hide away. How far do you want to fade?
You yearn for the feeling of the pain.
The aftertaste of sting that you have made.

I love it. xDD

I feel happy, but at the same time unsureee.

Listening to The Kill - 30 Seconds To Mars

yay. good song.

So I'm getting pretty sick.

Runny nose. Coughing. Sneezing.


Naww my dad's sick too.
He's sleeping outside because he said that if he coughs he might wake my mum up.

I feel like screaaamo.

So I was looking at the photos.
They dont seem to affect me as much anymore.
I mean they still do a bit but sokay.

And I will miss you a lot. grawrrr.
xDD If you were small I'd put you in my pocket. lol.

Looking for things with bows or a turtle for you, Moninmonomnom.

I shall go.




Posted on: Saturday, January 1 @ 1:38 AM


Hey Guys.

Welcome to the year 2011. yay?

So half an hour before the transition of the years, i was pissed.

Pissed about organising an outing.

I guess i used to like organising. making the times and everything.

But in the end it just gets harder and gah.

New Years.

It doesnt feel any different.

In fact, i feel worse?

It makes you think of all the things you've done last year.

All the things that you wish you had and hadn't done.

Things you wish you could change.


Why am I feeling sad?

I want to feel happy. I tried.. but i still ended up here.


To tihnk about it.

Many people make me smile.

But only a few people make me happy.

I'm sorry I've hurt you.
I never meant to hurt you.
I dont know what I'm meant to do here but this is it.

Upekkha.. gah.


My head has been hurting constantly. for about a week.

just constant it's like a ringing throbbing.
and i'm getting sick.

sore thoat. coughing a little.

Lol. and it sucks to be alone.

Everyone else who understands me. -hi five-

Even Andy hasnt been talking to me much.

Hi people.

Sorry for ruining the mood.
Sorry for making the aoura unhappy.


cbb posting.

-wishing for something amazingly good to happen in my life-

I shall go.

