you said that you loved me.

-101130 - 2

Posted on: Tuesday, November 30 @ 9:11 PM


Hey Guys.

To let people know, I odnt answer calls from no numbers/witheld/private number.
I dont. I just dont. I have my reasons. Assume all you like.

on the other hand, why did you do it?
Down to the bone? shit man.
I do wonder. What did it feel like?

makes me feel weird. like i should have done more.
I wish i had done more. lol.

<,,< stupid wishing i had done things.
lol. last night.

I had my first dream of her.
We were together.

I'm sorry for lying to you. I only wanted to see how you would react.
Obviously made things worse.

lol. Just thinking.

When the wind blows past you, are you sure the wind is moving past you? Or are you getting sucked in?

Why do I hope? Man why is my blog skin so emo. Wtpoo.

I tried to change it, but it took so long and it just didnt work, so i left it.


4 weeks is a long time for me to wait. But i think i'll last.
You asked me to wait. And so I will. Better keep you off my mind, or it'll just feel weird.

Hi there. Fancy seeing you here. Lol. To find out what i dreaded. I guess I should be happy for your happiness. I talk to plants. Am I weird?

Why does it rain in the shower? It rains when I watch movies. It rain when I listen to music. It rains when i'm in bed. It rains more now a days. lol. That's true.. lol it has been raining. xDD Corn. You know what i'm talking about.

How do you feel? How does it feel? That you made him like that?
You dont think he feels pain? You love comparing. Saying that it's worse for you.
My sister told me not to compare pain and grief. I didnt understand when she told me, so i continued to do so. Until one day my pain was compared to. That's when it hit me. Everyone is different. you cant just say you pain is more that someone elses. you cant say that his pain is more than hers. Everyone hurts differently. Everyone is in a different environment. Different people. Different person.

You want to do it so much. If you satisfy your lust, does it not mean you will be also lustful of others pain?

man. The aura is weird now. o.O lol.

Mmkay. So Hollydays guys. Do crazy things, but not too crazy. dont hurt yourself. Dx

okay. So I'm off.

I shall go.




@ 11:08 AM


Hey Guys.


I just noticed that it's CHINEN'S BDAY!!~




So Simmon is leaving us. .. Me.



T^T I miss you already.

on Friday, we had a dinner and stuff. lol.

Matthew, danny, simmon and ME.


So after tennis, i went to sunny park to change and simmon and matt and danny went to simmons place, simmon took a shower? yeha
so then we met up at sunnypark, then took a bus to city. lol Simmon was like WHOAAA WE'RE GOING TO THE CITY TO EAT DINNER?

yeah so we got there at about 9pm. and we were like lets go italian, we looked around and were like ... let's go eat crepe. xDD Danny called it crap. .. instead on crepe.

yeah. so Danny and i both got a crepe and a bowl of jap food/rice thingo. Simmon and Matt only got the jap bowl of food. xDD ahaha.

yeah. after that we walked around and got tea etc. and then went to timezone.

<,,< seriously. you'd think that danny plays mt a lot when he goes to plaza, but even when we were out just like that, he was hooked to mt. lol.

xDD I saw an awesomely cute girl at timezone. She was working there. T^T I only saw her for like 10 minutes then she disappeared. Sighhh.

So yeha.
Saturday was family gathering.
sunday was family gathering.

Monday i stayed at home all day didnt go out. played assassin's Creed II. hehe
it's so addictive.

And today I'm doing the same.

so parents were thinking of Christmas Presents and my mum and dad were like how about we get a PS3 for the family and not get individual presents ?

So currently we're considering this deal it's $600 well $599 and its the PS3 a Cricket game and BLACK OPS! lol my mum's like ZOMG IT COMES WITH BLACK OPPS LET'S GET IT! yeah. so should we get it?

lololol. i love my mum.
she just called and was liek so we're really considering the PS3. because it comes with the cricket game, we'll sell it to eb and get something else. what are you doing? i said blogging she's like .... dont use the internet so much, play games. lol. xDD

yeah. I'm very bored and lonely at home.. alone.

sighhh.. my comp doesnt seem to want to work msn, and so i'm forced to use my ipod. and i'm on the comp in the gaming room and it doesnt have msn.. so thus i blog from here.

yeah. Happy Holidays guys. and girls

Listening to Digital Bounce album. on full blast. On my speakers. xDD I like.


I shall go.



Today was a good day.

Posted on: Monday, November 22 @ 9:58 PM


Hey Guys.

Oh my KEN! Today was a good day.

Man oh man.

Today was LEGEN... WAIT FOR IT...wait for it...

For every Awesome thing it's going to plus one.
right. Starts off.

Woke up. ON TIME. I rarely do that now a days. But i did.
i had to change bags cos my mum wanted me to carry a change of clothes. Good thing i did. I'll explain later.+1

so i got to school, and i thought i was the only one. ONLY TO SEE. Carol playing DS and Dee listening to her phone. So i went to see what game was being played on the DS when Daniel arrives. he sits next to Dee when Tuan and sam arrives. then tim arrives then walter and berny and danny. ZOMG HOW AM I REMEMBERING THIS. +1

and we were talking about clothes and stuff. tim's shorts had a rip in it and sam forgot his hat. xDD lololol. +1

so we're all talking aobut if it will rain and all that stuff and we decide to walk down.

we walk down and julia is walking down the hill.

Tuan, walter.. xDD+1

Then we get our names marked off.

we're talking i in the sun and then we decide to go under the tree.

ZOMG good as feeling. Shade.+1

so then we're hard waiting for the bus. <,,,< they tell us to be there by 8. The bus arrives at like 8 50.
But while waiting louise comes in her sailor jumper thing. and her hat. LOL.

And walter and i are like flapjacks outfit. the tiny hat.+1

And so then under the tree we all swap hats and stuff and louise was asked to WEAR A JUMPER. xDD

then we got onto the bus, i see Danielle. xDD I SAW YOUR HAIRCUT. MAN I LIKE IT. xDD and your hat is JUST like my hat. xDD+1


then as we got onto the bus, we put our bags i the back. xDD

and we listen to music and watched change by the girl who pelvic thrusts and xDD +1 niceeeeeeee.

Walter calls and i'm like who's this? .. even though it said walter pham. <,,,<


So as we cross the bridge and tim and i were like the houses were like OMG HOLLYWOOD HOUSES. and we're like man if we had one of those housesss... mannnnnn

and so we got to seaworld and we got off and we got our bags and stuff and then we were in line and we were acting liek tourists and walter and i were like ZOMG I TOUCHED THE GROUND. IT FEELS HARD. lol. and then caitln was wearing a polar bear bag and there was as picture of a polar bear on the bin and we were liek ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG WHOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.+1

And there was a lady next to the line and she was liek eagle staring everyone, like HARDCORE. Tuan was like Mannn nothing would pass her. she's so sharp. lol. Cos she was wearing pointy shoes as well.

We went and we saw SESAME STREET CHARACTERSSSSSS. xDD +1 and like we went to touch the sting rays.

and so we went to the seal show. xDD SO COOL. xDD seal was awesome. xDD I was sitting next to tim. xDD and walter and they're like when you see a clue scream it out. and walter and i were screamining it out like hard out. lol.+1

then after that we went to look around and we felt sting rays and yeah and we touched then and stuff then we went back to see the the dolphin show and WHOAAWABONZAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!+1

Like jizz RIGHT there. So awesome. all the backflips and everything. ZOMG. T^T Jealous of the marine biologists who do all the tricks and stuff. xDD and then we went to see the sting rays again. then we went to to see the polar bear.

It was doing the same thing over and over again. until it wiped its face with only one paw. it kept wiping it's face with 2 paws. C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER.

and then we went on the rides.

we first went on the orange Seaworld Viper. IT WAS AWESOME. and becuase Ed's shirt got pooped on he wore felix's jacket. and when we were on the ride, he unzipped it and showed his bare body. xDD like we all posed for the camera. xDD

then we went on the log ride thing. xDD this time 3/4 of us pulled up our shirt. xDD we were going to buy it but then we decided not to. then we went back to the viper orange one and we rode it with all our shirts up and we did the peace sign.

and we wanted to by it but then the lady was like you guys are giving the finger so we cant print this picture. and we're calling the security to escort you out. so tim and i legged it. xDD

we bought ice cream. and then we were going to call walter but we saw them in the food area and didnt have to call. xDD The lady put lollies ontop of the ice cream.

and so as we talked something was mention and yeah. -10

then we looked at the sharks and under water tihngo and ZOMG SO COOL. xDD


and then tim and i got dog tags. xDD We saw TOASTED TV!


and we got our names marked off.

then we got onto the bus and we went back to MacG.

Cos I fell asleep i dunno what happened around me.

and as soon as we got our bags from the back. IT STARTED TO POUR RAINING. ZOMG

lucky for my waterproof bag. xDD +100000

and so we ran through the small oval and then the big over to jump over the fence to get to the bus stop, only to get there at the same time as the guys who walked the other way and didnt get as wet nor as dirty.

so the bus to plaza came in like 5 minutes.

we took bus there.

During the bus ride, Euniece got turkey slapped my Felix. xDD


Then we got there we went to chekc out hot pot, at about 4:15.
They open at 5:30.
Then we checked landmark; Open at 5:30.
We then got pmt and our tickets.
then walked over to Market Square to eat at TOP NOODLE. xDD

It was SO FILLING. xDD Pretty good. xDD
It was worth it. xDD All the walking and everything. xDD

So then we got back to watch HP. xDD

SO DISTRESSING. T^T all the sad parts.

Gah. I hate my mind. xDD

then we went to coles cos jess' sister wanted deo. and so she was like one of yous buy sometihng so it wont look weird. so walter and i got deo as well. xDD walter and i got the same one. it's the one tim has. xDD

and so we were choosing counters because they were like 2 customers at each.

Then he opens a counter just for us and was like " the moment you walked in we were like we are going to searve him."
xDD lol. and so i paid for my deo and they were like , sorry i said this guy. xDD lol

but they did servew them. xDD

so then jess went and walter euniece and i went to fun house.

Ecorn ddred with her sister cos her sister came with her dad to pick her up. i played the plane game. I GOT 3 LEVELS FARTHER THAN I DID LAST TIME. YEAHHH +1000000

then i played erotic photo hunt with walter and yeah. LOL. <,,< So many mature women. Walter said:" where's tuan."

lol. +57687

then euniece finished her game of ddr and left. just me and wally.

Finished our game and i sent wally off.

so i went down to check if my dad had arrived and he hadn't.

THEN I REALISED I HAD A DOLLAR. 1 DOLLAR. Well i had a $10 note... but you know.

yeah. so i rave partied it.


But the guy next to me lost too. so i walked away. but then i went back to check if there were any dropped tokens in the thingo. and there were 4. ZOMG

Then i loaded the 4 and entered it.

ZOMG like it loaded 10 tokens 5 times or sometihng and kept dropping them. ZOMG i was so happy. xDD i got 16 funhouse tokens. xDD

i then put 2 more in but lost, but then i saw 4 dropped and i loaded them and got my 2 funhouse tokens back. ZOMG WHAT A DAY. +5767687351132153658674335668743236658842366588

xDD Today was a good day.

so yeah. Gonna sleep it off now. xDD I hope tomorrow and the day after and te day after are at least half of as awesome as today was. xDD T^T


I shall go.




Posted on: Friday, November 19 @ 8:43 PM


Hey Guys.

xDD New Poem.

I haven't written ones in ages. xDD

What the Moon said to me tonight, the Sun will return. Shine as bright as bright can be bright. It is your smile, in which I do so much yearn.



Gonna go Harbour Town tomorrow to get stuff like backpack, shorts and what else... Dx What was it i needed? POO.


I snapped the stings of my raquet. Again.

SA and Gab are going to Melbourne for like 3 and a half weeks. xDD

2nd lasr week of school. Hmm.

Should i go the last week?

I'm not going to school for 3 days. Hmm....

See who goes. xDD

Laters. Picking up a PS3. xDD taking care of it for 3 and a half weeks. xDD Niceeeeeeeeeee.

HOLIDAYSSSS. T^T They're so close, but yet so far. xDD

I shall go.



-101116 - 2

Posted on: Tuesday, November 16 @ 10:59 PM


Hey Guys.

Lol. Today was great.


Started of crap. Got to school Late. xDD lol when am i ever late?

Then Got into business, stupid little idiots were punching each other and they didnt let me join. What made it worse was that they were loud and they were interrupting my trail of thoughts.

morning tea was pretty good. xDD

Jap. xDD Fun.

Maths. Lol. xDD lol. dong kicks philip's chair.
The teacher kicks my chair. <,,< the poo.

Dong and i Rawred.

then lunch.
went to print out stuff for business. it was due today. xDD

I think i'll do okay.

Errmmmmm. oh
right <,,,< how could i forget.


I'm sorry tuan. I dont even know how i did.
I only realised just when i felt the contact.

I dont remember a lot of it. o.O IT was really fast and i didnt really tihnk a lot when i did it. o.O One of the reasons i like it, I odnt tihnk.

I tihnk i didnt control a lot today. I jsut went. You got some good ones in though.
Mid rib, upper left and soft ribs. xDD


We're getting better.


English. What a bore. But it's a good place to relax. xDD Like english.

I got a C. xDD i 'm pretty sure. xDD

I havent been trying for subjects. xDD

And to you. I dont care. Do whatever you like now. Ask me again. I dont care. Do whatever you want. You're not getting my attention, nor my sympathy.

I used to feel sorry for you. Now you're purposely trying something.


I shall go.




@ 12:43 AM


Hey Guys.



Hate yourself.

I dont care.

You say I dont care aobut her.


And you used to call me your best friend.

Whatever you.

Say what i said in the past was a lie.

Lol. Say the past was a lie.



Really. You must think i have no feelings. xDD


Lol. Wish i didnt.


so what i do is wrong.

even if i do change, you wont be able to notice.


Do I look happy at school?
And yes it does matter.

Lol. Seriously. Why do I try to satisfy everyone.

This is shit house.


lol. I dont care.

Would you even care?

Tuan. You lied to me.
Even something that small.
My wrist hurts, but let's only arms.

Let's fail my subjects.

xDD Leave me.

Lol. Cathy. What's wrong?

How was natural? did you enjoy it? Was it fun?
It's been a whole year. No one's noticed you.
You like someone aayeeeee. xDD You're cute.

I miss you.

Lol. Should make this public again. xDD

Mmkay. Laters.

I'm gonna go do stuff. xDDD

Have fun.

Read someone else's blog.

Lol. Who am I talking to. No one reads this anyways.



You're so funny.
You're so cool.

How does the dagger feel now when you're on the receiving end?
If this is what you call betrayal.
Then this is what I call revenge.

How could I be so blind?
I guess I fell in love too quickly...
But I'm fine.

Imagine where you'd be now if you only knew.
If you only knew
The one you love is the one who's killing you.
I trusted you too much.
I know now that I should have kept my eyes wide open.
The first time that we kissed.
I'll bury you for this.

Just say to me
that this time is the last time.
And I'll pretend that
somehow I know we'll be fine.

Years spent watching in silence as your illness spilled onto page.
Those were the last days I spent with you.
Before you left, before he came.

How could I be so blind?
I guess I fell in love too quickly...
But I'm fine.

Imagine where you'd be now if you only knew.
If you only knew
The one you love is the one who's killing you.
I trusted you too much.
I know now that I should have kept my eyes wide open.
The first time that we kissed.
I'll bury you for this.

Just say to me that
this time is the last time.
And I'll pretend that I'm fine.

Ohh is it my fault?
You fell into the illusion you've been living discretely.
Ohh Should I blame you in the end?
Did you ever think the sketches would take over completely?

Ohh is it my fault?
Ohh is it my fault?

Just die!
You are scum!
You are filth!
Choke on blood as your knife
ends the show!
Writhe in pain you thought
you'd never know!

I don't think they dig graves close enough to hell for the likes of you!
I don't think they dig graves close enough to hell for the likes of you!

I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
And now the dream is over.
And now the dream is over.

I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
And now the dream is over.
And now the dream is over.

How could I be so blind?
I guess I fell in love too quickly...
But I'm fine.

Imagine where you'd be now if you only knew.
If you only knew
The one you love is the one who's killing you.
I trusted you too much.
I know now that I should have kept my eyes wide open.
The first time that we kissed.
I'll bury you for this.

I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
And now the dream is over.
And now the dream is over.

I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
And now the dream is over.
And now the dream is over.

I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
I handed you a knife and my heart ohhh!
And now the dream is over.
And now the dream is over.
I shall go.




Posted on: Tuesday, November 9 @ 10:19 PM


Hey Guys.

Tomorrow is Lewis' Birthday. Yeahhhhhh

I read your blog. xDD

So My dad's good friend from Malaysia has come over for the night. xDD

He's the one like. His name is Derik Fong. My dad is Gerald Man.
So when they were younger, they were like we're going to name our kids (canto) " Fong Chou Pei and Man Chou Pei."

If you get it you'll lol. xDD

oh.. right.. I've been getting to the new saying.. || Niceeeeeeeee.||


MR TANK. MR SMART. I cant believe you're doing this to me. I want to be with you. But I dont want to leave. I guess I should see it from you're view. You're leaving everything behind. All your friends. Family.

I can't do this. This is hard. It hurts so much. First her. Then you. It's so stupid.


<,,,< Whatever. Talking to myself is fun. xDD I get my jokes.


I like lame jokes. They're funny.

Cuz when love starts out
It's all peachy
I love you, you love me seems easy
It's like a walk in the park
But sometimes it takes an act of my will
And a walk in a park turns to uphill

I should start working out agian. <,,,< Stupid.

I need to make a new one. T^T This is stupid. I guess I have one on the way anyways.
I shall go.



Duckiies. YES!

Posted on: Saturday, November 6 @ 6:03 PM


Hey Guys.

So today, after tennis, I SAW DUCKINGS. ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG
I want a ducling now. xDD

i had a duckling once. i loved it to bits. aes;lrgubeargaer
everyday after school i would take it to our pond and let it swim and eat things. zomg it was sooo cute../ cool. xDD
and yeah.
then it grew bigger and we had to put it in a little enclosure that wasnt finished. like the fence wasnt fully pegged down. on the 4th day it was in there, at night, a fox killed it and took it away. T^T Heart Broken.


They're so cuttee.

Mmkay. Back to assignemnting .aeliruareg


I shall go.




@ 12:47 PM


Hey Guys.


Man my typos are getting more frequent and fail. xDD

I miss her. man. I miss her a lot.
I miss her hands. I miss the way she used to hold me. lol i sound like a girl.

It's so cold here without her.

Oh right. I dont tihnk i've told you. The reason why i put lyrics on my blog, is because they relate to my life. Directly or indirectly.

Lol maths. <,,<

I dont have creditt. T^T Needs a good plan.

helping you hurts me. but you dont know that.

i will be like you. No more swings. xDD

I won't suffer, be broken, get tired, or wasted
Surrender to nothing, or give up what I
Started and stopped it, from end to beginning
A new day is coming, and I am finally free

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack

I would have kept you, forever, but we had to sever
It ended for both of us, faster than a
Kill off this thinking, it's starting to sink in
I'm losing control now, and without you I can finally see

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attac

Your promises, they look like lies
Your honesty, like a back that hides a knife
I promise you
I promise you
And I am finally free

Run away, run away, I'll attack
Run away, run away, go chase yourself
Run away, run away, now I'll attack
I'll attack, I'll attack, I will attack

Run away, I'll attack, I will attack
Run away, I'll attack, I will attack

Run away , I'll attack

Your promises
I promise you

I promise you


Attack - 30 Seconds to mars

I shall go.



Girls dont like boys, girls like cars and money.

Posted on: Friday, November 5 @ 11:53 PM


Hey Guys.

Well I guess I havent blogged in a while.
Hey anon.
I get what you're on about.
I get your situation.
It's hard, I know. I've seen it happen.
Close friends. Mine almost.
Talking is better than doing what you do.
You can stop while you can.

I'm here for you. I'm sorry I've said things.

On other note,
thank you danielle.
It's still up there.
You dont follow your word do you.

Guess that's all I can expect.

Why am I mean to you?
You should know. I've explained to you. I've done it to other people.
I cant find another way.

So, guys are actually soft on the insides.
look hard on the outsides. Untill you really get tto know them, do you understand.

Great stuff. xDD Bye guys. I miss you all. I wish a lot of things.

You're one of them.

Amazing how life turns out the way that it does
We end up hurting the worst, the only ones we really love

Inevitable - Anberlin

I shall go.

