you said that you loved me.


Posted on: Sunday, October 31 @ 1:14 AM


Hey Guys.


For yesterday. xDD Last night.

I want a job. <,<

So, I'm printing out my resumé!



Mmkay. That's all for todays. Back to school tomorrow.

Wow, I'm tired.

Coffee Clubbed it last night.
Gourmet Beef Burger with Pine Lime Frappe.

Welp, Project CM seems to be on.
xDD So laters guys. I hope it works.

Sorry, Danielle. For everything. And yet I still love you.
It's just that when you comment, you make things hard for me.
I understand that you're hurt, I am too.


Tuan. I still dont understand everything.


I love you. Thankyou for understanding.

I shall go.




Posted on: Friday, October 29 @ 5:09 PM


Hey Guys.

So, today.
I still hang around him, why? Maybe it's the feeling that he's been my friend for so long and I don't quite understand why he's like this.

Why are you like this?

I'm going to tennis now, so Edit later.



Mmkay. So I'm here.

Thank you anon. Really. Thank you. You're a girl. So I cant do anything. xDD But take it all in. Thank you.

Right. I dont want you to comment danielle.

Gah. I hate my head. And oh, look, more people hate me. Great.
This is great. TUAN.

SERIOUSLY. I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE. Why are you like this to me?

Jess, Teach me.

Why am I into screamo?
Why? Maybe because they scream for me?
Maybe because what they say is true?
Maybe because love isnt as it seems?
Maybe because love is the most stupid thing?
Maybe because I HATE EVERYTHING?


I'm sorry.


It's going to be a while.

Snow. I need you.

Break it all. I don't want it anymore. Someone just rip it out. I don't want it at all.

Tuan, I don't even know what i've done to you.

You dont even read this, so why am I talking to you.

Stop commenting, Danielle.

Stop it.
Stop being in my head.


I'm going to stop blogging.


There's no point in this stupid crap.


I shall go.




@ 12:01 AM


Hey Guys.


Thanks Danielle. Everything you say has to hurt me doesnt it? Why must you do this to me?

Do you enjoy hurting me?

No, I'm not falling in love. Gah.

I don't even know why and what you're going on about.


You comment on things. A retarded faggot gay-ass bastard.

You make it so easy for me.

You. GAH.



Thankyou. You made my day so much better.

There was once upon a time, a group of friends. Actually 3.
They were very close and loved each other dearly.
The broke up. For a lot of things had gotten between them.

But even though they had broken up, they were still quite close. Well that's what one of the guys thought.

Two of the guys have classes together, the other one has different classes, for he is in the excelling classes.

So as the two guys having the same class ended their class, the other guy comes and calls for one of the guys and says you ready? let's go. He looks at the other guy and looks back at the guy he was calling.

xDD The other guy hurt. xDD But no one cares.

I DONT CARE DANIELLE. Comment all you like. Hurt me more. xDD

the K3 thing.
I'm trying to get over things, and you want to rub it back into my face?



xDD Go ahead compare you life against mine. Say that your life is shitter.


Oh and if people dont notice, I'm sick. Very sick.

Headaching, body aching, sore throat, sinus, back hurts, arms hurt, legs hurt.

Oh right most of all, how could i forget, My heart hurts.

Wait I dont even have one, apparently.

You really dont notice do you? Or you do it purposely.

Lol. What is exciting happening in my life? HAHA. nothing.

I hate your comments, Danielle. Right, you wanted a hyperlink.

Oh well, my dad is getting angry at me for being up late.


Seriously, I don't find a point in seeing people now.
If every relationship, friendship and stupid crap is going to just end up crapper.

Once upon a time, I believe it was a Tuesday
When I caught your eye
We caught onto something, I hold on to the night
You looked me in the eye and told me you loved me
Were you just kidding? 'Cause it seems to me

This thing is breaking down, we almost never speak
I don't feel welcome anymore
Baby, what happened? Please tell me
'Cause one second it was perfect
Now you're halfway out the door

And I stare at the phone; he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when he said, forever and always
Oh, oh

And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always

Was I out of line? Did I say something way too honest
Made you run and hide like a scared little boy?
I looked into your eyes, thought I knew you for a minute
Now I'm not so sure

So here's to everything, coming down to nothing
Here's to silence that cuts me to the core
Where is this going? Thought I knew for a minute
But I don't anymore

And I stare at the phone; he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when he said forever and always
Oh, oh

And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always
You didn't mean it, baby, I don't think so
Oh, oh

Oh, back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?
Back up, baby, back up, did you forget everything?

'Cause it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always

And I stare at the phone he still hasn't called
And then you feel so low, you can't feel nothin' at all
And you flashback to when we said forever and always!

And it rains in your bedroom, everything is wrong
It rains when you're here and it rains when you're gone
'Cause I was there when you said forever and always
You didn't mean it, baby, you said forever and always,


Forever and Always
Taylor Swift.

I shall go.




Posted on: Monday, October 25 @ 11:23 PM


Hey Guys.

Euniece's happy day.
One day of the year where you get the spot light.
lol BL if you have the same date as someone in your grade.

So, I was getting happier today, then I started listening to music like Linkin Park - Meteora. Lol. <,,< Made me want to go emo again.
lol. I talked to giant Tom today. xDD We talked about music. xDD

Dee too? Jess

And yeah.

Wow. I was so hyped just a couple minutes ago. Now, I feel it drained out of me.

T^T I miss people. T^T I want a hug.


I don't even know if Project CM is going to happen. <,,<

When she comes back, how will everything be?
My heart aches. My muscles ache.
Tears down the bear mountain like a lake.
Like a nightmare, from which I must awake.
No more hearts am I for to break.
I need to run away and escape.
For I am a villian,
ready with a wooden stake.

Why must I feel the pain,
which from, nothing do i gain.
And again, and again, and again.
Soul and life, both a drain.
Feelings and emotions washed with the rain,
without dignity, but with haste vain.
Everything. What can I attain?
Please, of thee i beg. I am insane.

Gah. Why with these!
Too much R&J.

I want to escape from everything.
You make me feel a bit better.
I like talking to you.

Walter, Tuan.
What has come upon us?
Where are we?

I want someone to sleepover.

Gah. I'm sorry. To everyone again.

Walter, Tuan, Carol, Jess, Euniece.
Is that where I belong?

It's hard you know.
I feel the need to run away everytime i see you.

If anyone wants to take a look at make-up, hair products, skin care, body care, gifts and more, feed your hungering eyes on AVON!


Even at school, if you have orders, you can give your orders to me and I will pass then on. xDD

First batch of orders have arrived, so xDD. Give them to you tomorrow.
You know who you are. xDD You ordered. xDD AHAHA


Rawr rawr rawr rawr. xDD
xDD After going to maccas at 12:40 am made me a bit better lol. xDD
i left my blogger open and didnt post. xDD mmkay leaving now.

I like my close friends. xDD Music at mac. PA Awards night. xDD gonna be fun.

I texted your happy happy day. xDD Hope you have one. RAWR.

People Error
the GazettE

I shall go.




Posted on: Saturday, October 23 @ 12:07 AM


Hey Guys.

So, what are you?
What are you to me?
I don't know.
I guess I'll wait for later. It seems I do this when I'm working with someone.
So I don't want to hurt anyone. I'm sorry. It feels right. But after a while, as I think harder into it, it hurts. So, I had fun today. The feelings are familiar.
But I don't understand myself. How am I meant to understand you?

Maybe this is what I do everytime. That is why everytime I hurt, I move on; trying to forget the pain.

Gah. Why am I like this?
xDD I like rock now. Pop is cool, and kpop, jpop all that is cool, but I'm really into rock now. Like the hardout stuff. Like the type white guys listen to. Dx

They sound good. And I can relate?


Well. Tennis was weird. Jacky mentioned your name. I guess I still haven't moved on that far. It's hard to see through water; tennisballs go all blurry.

I like to lean on you. You smell nice. My hair is dead.


I'm gonna go get a haircut. Any suggestions? Lol. I'm only talking to myself.
What's the point in this.

Read someone who blogs more than I do. It'd be more interesting. My life is screwed up. So why do you want to know about my life?


You make me smile.

Oh oh. I watched about Tiger Woods: Rise and fall.

Whoa bro, that was terrible. D< Crazy stuff. Domokun.

I was thinkin about her, thinkin about me.
Thinkin about us, what we gonna be?
Open my eyes, yeah; it was only just a dream.


Just a dream.

I shall go.




Posted on: Thursday, October 21 @ 11:59 PM


Hey Guys.

HBD!!~ Jess.

I dont know if you know, but you make it really hard for me.
Why am I not happy? Do you think i could be happy?
I dont know if you know, but everything seriously, EVERYTHING hurts.
I see your face, and i have so many feelings.
A lot of everything hurts me.
What's the point in being happy, when you're going to be sad again.
What's the point of me, when there isnt a sager;lkfmgax;clkg

what am i on about.
i dont like anything anymore.
Teacher sees me sleeping at sport.
After i've woken up, she asks, did you have a good sleep?
I dunno what i felt. was i hurt? was i annoyed? Gah.

I dont have anyone to talk to.

Why did i not want to talk you when on that day?
Because obviously we were arguing. and we were upset at each other. and we talk to each other all the time. so when i have a problem with you, i cant just tell you like that, i need to talk to someone about it. so i couldnt have talked to you.

So blame me. I dont care anymore.
I hate talking. Everytime I do i think of something stupid. what the hell?
i ahte everything

Telling me you love me?
You never get it do you.



Get it straight.

Lol. I think i'm a retard. xDD
I sitll love you.

I shall go.




@ 12:32 AM


Hey Guys.

So this I dont understand.
Oh I need the song Just a dream. I have the j rice ver. I want NELLY. xDD
Funny how nelly always has a bandaid on his face. xDD

So Yeah.
I miss you, Snow. I want to talk to you. Discuss my feelings.
I havent seen you in a while. We should go out. On a date. xDD
It'd be so special. xDD Snow so bright. xDD

Ahh. I'm so hooked on the song Just a dream.

Ermm So band. Oh we got gold. Yeahhhhhhh.
Selina had a bad tummyache, and David and I comforted her. Her friends also comforted her. they didnt know what to do. <,,,<

Like we werent sure if it was a cramp or tummyache, or if she hadnt taken a dump for 3 days or something. <,,,<

but in the end we got her home. T^T I really dont like seeing people cry. I feel so bad. like i cant help. I want to help but i dont knwo what to do. So when i do help and i get somewhere i feel good. xDD that's why i like helping people.

Calm people who are crying down. Hug them. Make them feel comfy.

Chinen. <3

I shall go.




Posted on: Saturday, October 16 @ 8:42 PM


Hey Guys.

Hey. Hey.

There's a lot of things i dont quite understand. In life. Of life. About life. About love.
What is love?

I dont entirely understand it.

A week ago, my girlfriend broke up with me. It hurt. But I thought through it and believed that this is what was meant to happen. Yes. I love you. You love me. I know that when you broke up with me, it was because you were angry. Your mind full of rage. The rush that provokes you to self mutilate. But if this rush returns, does thee love not disappear and rage and anger fill thy void?

Yes, I still love you. And why do I push you away when you come to hug me?
I want you to get over me. So I can get over you.
I dont want you to hug me, because it makes me want to hug you too.
It makes me want to show my feelings. It makes me want to smell you. Kiss you. Be with you.
I push you away. Because I'm trying to push my feelings away as well. It hurts a lot. Both ways.
You know what you dont understand? That if i could relive my life, I would have still gone out with you.

You said to me, "Thank-you for putting up with me for 11 months."
Put up with you? What you think you weren't meant to be or something? How do you think this makes me feel? What am I meant to say?

Gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. T^T I try so hard to not show too much at school. Yes, I know that I walk around alone, that's because I dont want to get anywhere. No. <,,<

"Absorb what is useful, reject what is useless and add what is specifically your own." Bruce Lee.

That's what I've been doing my whole life. Personality. Thinking. The way I look. The way I dress. Tennis. Even dancing. It's not boogaloo. But it's not pop. Zomg. People say it's my style. o.O

I'm not sure who I am.

I destroyed my reputation. For you.
So you would have people around you. So you would have people support you.

So now I have people look down on me. You probably never noticed.

I was okay with everything. I felt bad, I felt terrible. For everthing.
For hurting you and everything.
Everytime you cry, it hurts.

I was copeing. Being at school hurt. I hate school.
Until friday. Everything kept slapping me in the face.

I feel that a lof of things relate to you, even now.
But i kept pushing them away, even now i still am.
But on friday, everything related to you. I couldnt walk one step without thinking aobut you.
It was like everything I had been trying hard to keep down, came up.
I hate crying at school. I hate it.

I hate my drawings.

Chino. I want to talk to you. I have no credit. oh. Everyone. I'm out of credit. Again. Always out of credit.


<,< Stop denying it. I hate love. Love is stupid. GAH. I HATE IT. I love you so much.

So, New Hobbies. xDD

Even though I hate my drawings, I still draw. Why?
Writing poems, verses about you. And other things.

They're more like things i've done before. but Coming back to them.
Everything is now a poo. Gah.

I want a lot of things. But they just dont matter.
I like my headphones.

Only 5 weeks left. Once the term ends, Project CM will commence.
xDD Consists of not talking to anyone for at least 1 week. xDD
This is great.

I dont want to love anymore. Not even like. I dont want it.

"Cutting my wrists with the backhand of a knife." What does that mean? o.O


Softly we tremble tonight,
picture perfect fading smiles are all that's left in sight,
I said I'd never leave, you'll never change
I'm not satisfied with where I'm at in life.

Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
With all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me.

We made plans to grow old,
believe me there was truth in all those stories that I told.
Lost in a simple game cat and mouse,
Are we the same people as before this came to light?

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
You said, you said that you would die for me.

You must live for me too'.
For me too.yeah
You said that you would die for me.

Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price.
Am I supposed to be happy?
with all I ever wanted, it comes with a price
You said, you said that you would die for me.


Cat and Mouse.
Red Jumpsuit Apparatus.

I shall go.




Posted on: Wednesday, October 13 @ 11:37 PM


Hey Guys.

Holy Gerkins. xDD

<,,,< I tried something new. <,,< I tried to do some weird fix my own skin thing. and like it turned out. Dx Crazy. i paniked so hard. whooaaa. Lol, but then i was able to fix it back to tihs skin and i was so relieved.


I kinda want to know who reads my blogg....

so, if you have time, xDD

Please say something on my cbox, I'll talk to you.



School is tough.
Tough like a toughy.

You'll never understand.

Dong talked to me today. xDD

Explained things to me.
I realised, that so much.
I have done, he wouldnt have.
Guess we're different people.
Different things come first.

Well now I'm sadface.
Think whatever you want.

Seriously, I quit.
It's stupid.

Tim's Steak Sauce Handshake.
Do what you do, go.

Thinking of a name..... For me.


I shall go.




Posted on: Tuesday, October 12 @ 7:57 PM


HBD!!~ Tuan, Danny and Upekkha.

Hey guys.

Good for you guys. xDD You have good taste and he's lucky. xDD


You know who i'm talking aobut.


So yeah Last thursday ADroonie. Died. Really.


We were great. In so many ways.

We had the same hobbies. the same personality.. o.Oi think. iunno.
we liked the same things. small things which seemd to be big. We liked the same Cartoons. We shared stories that meant so much.

We matched in so manythings. but we didnt match in the important ways.

Everyday, we'd argue. About the most stupid tihngs.

I hate school. I hate people at school. I hate people.
I have a new best boyfriend.

I shall go.




Posted on: Tuesday, October 5 @ 12:47 AM


Hey Guys.

Today... Yesterday at school.

Tuan and I sparred. Daniel came in and got me down. Poo.

Danielle wasnt happy. Poo.

Assignments. Poo.

Yeah. I'm tired. Poo.

I shall go.




Posted on: Sunday, October 3 @ 2:01 AM


Hey guys.

This is AWESOMEEEEEE. Cause I'm blogging from my iPod.

But you know what else is awesome, ADroonie is 11 months. Awesome nessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss.
Yes. It's totally so cool.


So so funn.

Zomg. Alright

So I woke up at 7:45am right on time. Cause my phone alarm went off.
I brushed my teeth and changed. Then I ate an apple. And ew. Apples after brushing is like maccas on after brushing.
Righteo. So I waited and waited for my mum and dad to get ready to drop me off.
Finally at 9 I was dropped at Miss Lang's palace.
I slept with her. Slept. Just slept. Don't get over excited boys.
And then finally her mum woke up. And got ready to go.
And so I expected something like maccas on the way there to DFO, but we went to inala.
The viet central. We ate phõ.
And so after that we drove to the airport. We kinda got lost. Not really but could get to DFO. But we got there in the end. The roads keep changing.
And as we were there SHOPPING SPREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes oh my tiny bumhole. It was amazing. Zomg.
We got matching caps. We are cool. Yeah. Yo. Yeah.

Mmkay and so after hours of pure happiness, we headed back.
And oh the ride back was crazy. All of us. Auntie, danni and meeee. Craziiiiiii.
Yeah. And then we slept again as her mum was cooking.
He. He.


Up to your imagination.

We ate dinner and watched Kung Fu Panda. xDD.

then her mum went out to the shop.

And ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.

Yes mmkay. Awesome day. Iloveher.

I shall go.

