you said that you loved me.


Posted on: Tuesday, December 29 @ 10:41 PM


Today's is Dong's anniversary.

xDD Gj.

And to the question ChuChu asked.

How many time can your heart take getting hurt before you want to die?

for me, everytime. xDD

Gnight people.




Posted on: Monday, December 28 @ 7:48 PM



Sorry for not blogging for a while.

<,< Merry Belated Christmas.


Another Christmas. Another year.



lol no i'm not ending my blog yet. xDD


Past days/week/s

Busy Busy Busy.

Like party, then outing then shopping and yeah. xDD


well Tuan has finally come back from Vn. xDD.
Welcome Home.

ChuChu has come bcak from Fraisers. xDD
Welcome Home.

Walter has come back from PooLand.
Welcome Home.

sorry walter. i just had to put someone there. xDD

ermm yeah i've been very occupied by my touch. xDD


i got a touch.

But i dont like how other people make such a big of a deal that they wither got one
or are getting one.

you get what i mean?
yeah i got one.
i know i said that, but people who are like
" I'm gonna geta a new Ipod Touch 32 Gb. lol Adrian, you're mp3. lol. Yo should really get a new one."


i loled at him

and said.

"Oh, you mean an iPod Touch 32gb? - takes out -."

<,< i really awnted to slap him as he was talking poo aobut my old mp3. IT'S STILL WITH ME.

i happen to still like it. Hmph.

That poo head.


enough talking poo about people pooing ipods.

And i know i've said i've got one, but i DON'T shove it in people's faces... - unlike some people .. you know i'm talking to you - xDD hehe lucky i'm not saying your name. xDD




i really miss my ChuChu.

... o.O why am i spacing before i type.. <,< STOP IT

... xDD good boy..


well Happy New Year.. if i dont blog before.

ermm mmkay

lol does my Chu listen to her voice mails? o.O


i shall go


i see you
i see you

xDD yesh i watched avatar todayysss

mmkay GO!

okay okay

calm down you crazy B****

Buddy. xDD




Posted on: Monday, December 21 @ 10:57 PM



Wet and Wild today.xDDD

mmkay mmkay.

So what happened.

We were meant to meet up at the bus station.
On the way, we saw amy walking so we picked her up. hehehe. even though she was like
"Adrian, get out and walk."

Finally everyone gets together at the stop. <,<
Catch a bus to the South Bank
Took a train which went in the wrong direction. Or the direction we didnt want it to go.
<,< So then we waited another 15ish minutes for the right train.
Took a bus.
Somewhat 10 ish?
We finally got to Wet and wild.
<,< i started to rain.
So we got in. WITH OUR VIP CARDS.
i'm starting to sound like Doonie. o.O Donie? My baby?
She told me,
that i was her one and only.



so we got in. and got lockers. xDD

The went straight to mammoth falls.

xDD Fun. xDD <,< except Helen had to scream.
Practically the entire way down.
And it wasnt scary.

mmkay. then went to Wave pool.

o.O my swimming has deteriorated. Dx

Bad. xDD

Then went to the tube place... something park?

yeah.. my memory..fails..

xDD yeah went around like once, then came out. Boring.

Then went to The .. thing next to the kamikaze.

yeah. That wasnt scary. ChuChu said it was like -DIES-

It made you feel like free fall for like 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001 milliseconds.
xDD okay okay. i'm over exaggerating. but yeah.

mmkay then we went to wave pool again?

Then we went to get stuff to eat.

<,< zomg. $18.95 for Fish and chips.


Over-over-over-over-over...-over priced.

yeah. <,<

it was ghey

mmkay after that.

we went on the ride that was like a big slide..
-Big whoop-
::- Hear the sarcasm -::

mmhmm then we went to the Mammother falls agian because it was kinda the only one worth going one without needing to wait an awful lot.

then we played at the tube place. o.O for quite a while.
<,< i got a bit burnt. o.O on my shoulders.

and after that o.O not much happened. just went on rides.

yah yah yah.

so we got changed.

Took a bus.
Went on the train.

xDD the long train ride.

xDD so comfortable. xDD

ChuChu and i had a good chat. xDD

keke then everyone took a bus to Garbo. and yeah we split up.


well long post.

Not that long of a day.





Posted on: Sunday, December 20 @ 10:43 PM



Today. I went to dance.

Paul threw a hoola-hoop at my face.

T^T i raged. <,<
well if you would call that raging.
I swore.
At him.
T^T i'm sorry.
But i was really angry.
i wanted to go up to him and punch him right between his eyes.
T^T but i didnt. because:
1. my knuckle is swollen/bruised.
2. He's like my only close-ish neighbour (3km away) and like my parents know his.
3. He's a cool dancer

To him.
And to ChuChu.
I dunno why you think there's sometihng wrong.
well i raged. who doesnt. <,<

Got one of my christmas pressies today.
- happy face -

Romeo and Juliet. HSJ style.

Chinen's voice. o.O Strain.

Wet and Wild tomorrow.
Miss ChuChu.
I've lost my towel with a PikaChu on it.
- sad face -
oh well

i'll see you tomorrow.





Posted on: Saturday, December 19 @ 6:23 PM



It rained.

<,< Last night - this morning.

SA. Drinks. Clubbing.

You say you're strongly against drugs.
But yet you drink alcohol like syuvgealirhgeahge


xDD but at least i spent a lot of time with ChuChu.

xDD making Curves out of straight lines. xDD


8am Garbo. lol

Make sure we get up early enough to get there on time. xP


i was meant to go shopping with dad today.
But then he said oh too tired. Tomorrow lah.

so i was like .. T^T then i could have gone to Dongs.. T^T iMissDong...

he's going to Melb. on Monday. <,,<

I'm seeing ChuChu, Amy, Helen, Lily,Lewis and Felix on monday. xDDD


mmkay listening to Queen atm. o.O xDD it's cool how they sing. xDD


i shall go eat farn. xDD





Posted on: Thursday, December 17 @ 9:35 PM


SA's Birthday today. xDD HBD!!~

And so,


I went with my dad to work.

I Studied a bit and then ended up playing Champion Archer.

I got to like Round 24. xDD

And so I went to the doctors at 6 .. and we waited till like 6:30

xDD i knew because Simpsons just ended. xPP

And so Right as we got back home.. that is Dad and me..

Mum and SA got into the car and we went to the jap store in/near pinelnads

well that was the initial plan..

BUT!!!! The jap store said we had to wait like 30 - 45 minutes before we could get a seat.

so we were like SCREW IT!!

but then instead xDD we went to a korean bbq. xDD

It was AWESOME!!~

xDD yum yum yum. xDD

okay yeah that was my day. xDD

and i was thinking of my Chu a lot today. o.O xDD

I cant remember what you said last night.. o.O xDD i've forgotten..


i say a lot of wrong things now adays...

and not like wrong as in dirty

but wrong as in hurting people.

<,< poo

this sucks.

I'm not good at this.

I said it before. what am i saying

i'm going on about nothing ..<,<



that's all i really know

i'm not sure why this get in the way.


i shall go


poo. <,<


Posted on: Wednesday, December 16 @ 6:27 PM



Today was boring..

Still is?


Today was such a waste of time, i dont think i have anything to talk about..

As for Monday!! xDDDD

In 5 days i'm going to see ChuChu♥

Yush Wet n Wild is on Monday.

We (Amy and I? Amy and everyone else?) still don't know what to do with transport..


ermm yeah.

I miss ChuChu.

hmmm now i've got to think of what to wear on Monday.. xDD






Posted on: Tuesday, December 15 @ 10:02 PM



New skin. xDD ChuChu did it.. <,< like at 2 this morning. xDD

Thank-you. Wainee. xDD

Ohhhh kayyyy...

Erm. Today.

Went to Plaza to buy bread/buns. xDDD
Danced from 10 ish...

During dance:
Hurt my ankle
Texted ChuChu .. who didnt reply until 1ish
Got kicked in the face. Now i have a cut.scar thing on my nose.. T^T

yeah.. that's what happned today..

nothing really exciting..

oh oh WnW Changed from this friday to next monday.

oh oh Tuan texted me at aobut 7 - 8 ish?

from Vn. xDDD

yup. xDD

so i replied using daddy's phone. xDD


I dont feel tired, but i know i am?

it's like 10.21

o.O psshhh.

xDD talking to ChuChu

I shall go..

It rained today.


But it was still quite hot





Posted on: Monday, December 14 @ 9:08 PM



Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs ...


wait for it



Da DaDaDa Da Daaaaaa!!~~~



And you were allowed to keep your glasses...

Just that .. ChuChu has mine.. o.O

and my plushies that I won.
And.. Gum ...

Well, SHE didnt take them... her brothers did?

okay so

In the morning, on my way to Garbo. I saw felix walking.

I asked mummy to pick him up .. - she offered -

and so yeah. We got up to garbo, but at coles.
We were meant to be at Toy 'R us. xDD

and i was thinking .. Hmmmmmm it's goig to take a long time to walk there.

When suddenly....


A trolley is in front of us.

I Turned on my engine. ( I yelled " FELIX!! PUSH ME!!)
And Reved as i got ready to drive. ( yelled " FELIX!! HURRY UP!! GAWD YOU'RE SLOW!!")
And I was off. Picking up ENORMOUS speed. Dodging traffic.( It took us like 2 minutes just to get inside the building from the Carpark walking place, which was 5 metres in total. We went past an old couple)
I Drifted up the Ramps. ( Felix was complaining HARDOUT about how heavy i was .. pfffttt. xDD A LOT of people looked at us.)
Finally, I reached the finish line. DEFEATING ALL COMPETITION. ( Yeah we got there. Walter got a haircut. xDD it's cute. xPP)

And so We took a bus. Went to SouthBank. Bought Tickets. Took a bus back to City. Ate. Saw Cassie and Lachlan? I think that was his name?

yeah. Then we went back to south bank. Bought Popcorn. Got into the cinema.

xDD During the movie.. hehe... ChuChu was hmmm - kinky eyes - xDD okay

anyways. It was a good movie. xDD cute. xDD Good morale. xDD

Okay. so after the movie we went:
The UFO catcher thingos
Tea Etc.

Then we went to take buses.

<,< 150 doesnt go to Plaza. <,< found out the hard way. Poo.

nyways. So ChuChu's mum picked us ( Walter, ChuChu and me) up. And dropped us at ChuChu's house.

Walter and I walked about 50 to 70 metres until we saw their car drive away. xDD

Then we walked back and went in. <,< Stupid airs. so hard to get out of. xDD

anyways. We got in. And WHOA. it was hot. T^T xDD

And so we watched Ben10 ( Ep. i already watched before. The one where he thought he broke Gwen's Laptop, But didnt because it was just some security thing she put on it.)
xDD and the air con was on. xDD

After a while, walter left. xDD and ChuChu and i continued to watch TV.

yeah.. That's what im' telling you. xDD It might be true... might not be . xDDDD

Anyways Whatever we did. It was fun xDD and i liked it. xDD - loves - xDDD


that was today ...

Might go WnW on Friday. xDD Cool off. xDD water xDD Fun Fun Fun xDD xDD

too many xDD faces. xDD

okay bye.

it was hot today. xDD ..

mmm.. yeah. xDD


Poo. xDD


Posted on: Friday, December 11 @ 8:51 PM


It's a Friday. xDD Last official day of school xDD.
xDD i didnt go. xDD

Okayyy. errmmm

Woke up at 7 ish?
At breakfast. o.O honey thingo oats. o.O xDD

Went to Plaza to get some buns. xDD

Took bus to ct.


happy. i put $5 on it.. <,< now i have 60c.

xDD i wanted to play MT but the machines were screwing up.. T^T

so Paul and i played Tekken6 xDD taking turns. ermm i tihnk we got to stage 6? xDD

used Lei xDD TY Walter for introducing him to my life. xDD

yup i have an MT card. o.O not really mine. SA gave it to me.
It's a present card. and i've got 4 plays remaining. xDD

yey. MUST PLAY MT!! xDD <,< i can tell im' going to waste so much money on MT. <,<

okayyy so after spending an hour at Timezone, we waited at easy way for people to come <,<.

SLACK. <,< everyone was late .. LATE <,< and it's our first meeting. <,<

not a good way to start. >,<


after almost everyone came, we went to the top of King George place o.O the place where emos hang.

gah! when we were freestyling, people from other buildings were looking at us.

xDD they must have envied our complete awesomeness xDD

okay so after that we went to Tea etc. xDD

Took a bus to sunny park.

lol bus ride was stupid. xDD funny. xDD

and so after walking to Sunnybank High and Tobi's mansion, SA and i went to Coffee club xDD

i got a pine lime frappe. xDD nyom nyom nyom. whoa it was cold. xDD

and yeah.

Saw Dong xDD T^T i miss him. xDD hugged him hard out...

so we talked for like 5 minutes then i saw Joshua chang? .. cheng? o.O

yueah well xDDD i like him xDDD he's pro at tennis and he's tall.. ish? almost my height? xDD

yush xDD xDD he's cute xDD

anywayss xDDD

so after that mummy picked us up.
Dropped Paul home.
arrived home.
Woke up.
Woke up.
Played farmville.
Turned off Comp because it sounded like it as about to storm.
Ate dinner.
Watched TV.

now i'm on the comp. xDD

excited for Monday. xDDD xDDD

I miss Danielle. T^T my ChuChu

I also miss Joshua.

I miss Dong.

I missed the door on the way into the house. <,<

xDD okay

It was hot today.. <,< again

welp, i'll get going now.

Koe wo kikasete <,,,< is stuck in my head.



i'll go xDD

Wainee ♥♥♥




Posted on: Thursday, December 10 @ 6:33 PM


Another day. o.O

Woke up at about 7.30 ish.

Took the 100 i think from Inala to city.

Ate Breakfast at Cocoawoo. xDD It's like the most awesomest coffee shop. xDD [RECOMMENDED]


Went to Timezome. Played MT for the 3rd time in my life. Dx gawd do i suck. xDD

played tekken6 xDD got up to stage 4? xDD good stuff

Went to Myre.

Looked at gifts for Mummy and Daddy.
Considering the JAG purse set for mum.
Bunnings $50 gift card for dad. xDD

We Had YHD practice. 5/6 people came. <,<
We still have 2 8s left of un choreographed. gah.


Tomorrow is 52-one's first meetup xDD

good stuff it's going to be fun xDD

ermm so 14th? Monday xDD movie 3D Cw/CoM
figure that one out xDD.

Gj. xDD

it was hot today.

ermm yeah. xDD
<,< Reiko in hospital. <,< clumsy people

- shifty eyes - xDD


I guess that's been my day.

Eventful? .. meh. it was tiring.

i'll go now xDD


wainee ♥♥♥

xDD When you think things really deeply.
they're scary. Dx



Posted on: Wednesday, December 9 @ 10:46 PM



ermm.. let's see

Well I woke up at 11 ish? And right as I woke up and went to the toilet to do morning stuff, mum came back. o.O that's like whoa.

nyways. So went on msn, to find out that i had left it on since last night. o.O

ChuChu and i were Webcamming and then i fell asleep. o.O i can imagine her watching me sleep xDD. O.O xDD

and so yeah.
SA made Toast with grilled cheese and diced sausages..
It was ... filling. xDD

and so i went back on msn. Talked. FBed. No Lifed.

Then ChuChu came on and i was like xDDDD and she said
" i just woke up"

i was like o.O
whoa late much??


SA asked me after lunch if i wanted to join her for a jog to the park ( about 1Km away) and i was like sure. It was planned to be at 5.

and so it was about 4 ish and i was talking to Walter, Lachlan, Danny.. ermm and ChuChu and i cant remember who else but yeah i was talking and then i fell asleep until like 5 30.

After a couple of minutes, SA come back home and was like ..
and i was like .. hehe sorry? i fell asleep?

she was okay with it. xDD

and so that was it.

ate dinner.

went to take a shower..


missing ChuChu

<,< today was 38 degrees. <,< hottt T^T

T^T Tomorrow YHD dance practice.

Friday 52-one dance practice. xDD

<,< my body is tired. <,< dancing more is going to strain it. <,< gah.

now i'm trying to read the lyrics of Love in the Ice By DBSK

my favourite bit is

Saesanggeuthae hollo (Jaejoong: my heart)
Namkyeojyeogago honjayeotnayo (Yunho: oh, don’t be afraid)
Ajoo oraetdorok (Changmin: let you know my love)
Naega jikyeonal (Yoochun: you know)
Saranginigga (Yoochun: let you know my love)


welp, i'm off

Wainee ♥♥♥

byebye xDD


Posted on: Thursday, December 3 @ 9:50 PM


1 MONTH. xDD. Me&&ChuChu. xDD

Yup. it's been one month. xDD So fast. xDD. Walter said so too. xDD
Quite a few people wished me H1M. xDD more than I expected. xDD

And so. today, i didnt got to school. stayed home.

Woke up at 9 -ish, almost ten.

Jane and Paul came over to choreograph our dance for YHD.
It was really fun, and we choreographed just about half of the song. xDD
I feel so proud. xDD yup yup.

Nyways, so i'm looking at iPods right now. <,< and to think i didnt like ipods last year. xDD <,< welp i didnt like ipods because itunes is ghey. xDD But i've slightly changed my mind because the touch looks sXc. xDDD i might get one. xDD no i tihnk i will. xDD <,< but i dont think i really want to bring it to school. if i lose it, that's like hundreds of dollars... gone. Dx

and and and yeah.. i want to play games xDDD it looks so fun xDD.
But only if it had a mic then i could go on skype xDD and it'd be awesome xDD
it'd work just like a phone xDD

Welp, i have to clean my room, tidy it up, because on saturday people are coming over xDD. Walter said he doesn't know. T^T i really want him to come. xDD i like having friends sleep over. <,< homo-janai. i like them sleeping over because it's fun, and you get to bond. xDD lol <,< talking not other stuff - kinky eyes - xDD


that was today.
It's pretty cold today. tonight. xDD it was alright today. not too hot. xDD.

xDDDDD Going to movieworld on monday. gah! i'm scared. xDD well at least PikaChuChu's going to be there. xDD

and then on tuesday i'm going to MacG Prim. and meeting people.

>,< people are like
"Oh gawd, what are going to do when we see each other, all we're going to do is like see each other then there will be an awkward silence."
i was like hmmm - in a grumpy way - when we see people we'll like talk. and we'll crash into classes and stuff. xDD then we can watch a movie.. actually i want to watch a movie.. Paranormal activity. i'm more scared of movieworld than the movie... xDD but yeah. ChuChu likes scary movies, so i'll be the one clinging onto her. xDD
DP is coming .. well hopefully. his mum's angry at him for a reason...

... the reason is like
Mum: Daniel! What time have you got to be there?
DP: 10!
::- 25 seconds later -::
Mum: Daniel! What time have you got to be there?
DP: 10!
::- 46 seconds later -::
Mum: Daniel! What time have you got to be there?
DP: 10 MUM!
DP: >,<


and that's the reason.
well something like that xDD

Gah! i need to clean my room. xDD

i'ma go now.


Posted on: Wednesday, December 2 @ 6:34 PM


It's the last compulsory week of school and the school already empty.
Zomg nothing was done. <,< like like like teachers didnt really care. We played flash games. and like listened to music xDD
xDD <,< i noticed today, a lot of my friends dont like long hugs.. <,< Hmph. At least ChuChu likes my hugs. xDD

Talking about ChuChu. xDD tomorrow is our 1 month xDDD xDDD. but but but because i'm not going to school tomorrow, i gave her our present today. xDD wainee.

Finally, Johnny's. T^T my 'obsession' is growing? well ont really. it's always been this high? .. low? ... this much? xDD yeah this much. and like <,< gah. T^T Chinen-kun wa cho kawaii. T^T <,< xDD meh. i dont need him ... no wait i do.. T^T xDD

Argh. i organised the mag pri outing on tuesday and and like i was making sure i had enough to shout.. but now i have consider movieworld.. and if ihave enough .. i do but it's going to be like argh. <,< xDD meh. a miracle will happen. .. hopefully xDD

WELP, that's today. xDD


It rained today.